Home > Plants > Fruit hedge


Screening Hedge Flowering Hedge
Blooming Hedge
Border Hedge
Low Hedge
Bamboos Hedge Defensive Hedge
Windbreak Hedge Evergreen Hedge Gourmand Hedge Country Hedge
Farmland Hedge
Melliferous Hedge
Fruit Hedge Forest Edge Mature
Hedge Plants

fruit hedge

Aims: The fruit hedge plays the role of a fence and is composed of fruit trees. This type of hedge has many advantages: it separates two areas of a garden, of a landscape or a field, and it produces fruit for people to eat. The yield target for the fruit hedge is lower than for an orchard, but it is easy to create for somebody who wants to produce and eat his own fruit.
Children and adults will enjoy harvesting these fruits, sharing friendly and delightful moments while bringing harmony to the nature.

Adult height: Up to 4 metres which facilitates harvesting. While planting, alternate trees with a tall trunk and fruit trees with a smaller development, so each plant has a good access to the sun light.

Period of interest: Mainly in summer and autumn, when there is fruit.

Planting distances: Generally, keep 1 to 1.20 metre between each plant, and be sure to leave at least 6 metres between the trees with a tall trunk.

Pruning: The fruit hedge is beautiful when it is not pruned. But pruning may be necessary to increase fruit production and to control the space occupied by the trees.

fruit hedge
A short guide for deciding what to include in your fruit hedge:
Plants Maturity and Color of Fruit Pollinator Adult Height Hardiness  
Apricot tree Bergeron J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-18°C View prices
Apricot tree Canino J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-18°C View prices
Apricot tree Rouge du Roussillon J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-18°C View prices
Cherry tree Bigarreau Burlat J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Cherry tree Bigarreau Napoléon H: 18m
Stem/half stem
-3°C View prices
Cherry tree Bigarreau Napoléon J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Cherry tree Bigarreau Burlat H: 18m
Stem/half stem
-20°C View prices
Cherry tree Bigarreau Summit J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Cherry tree Bigarreau Napoléon H: 18m
Stem/half stem
-20°C View prices
Cherry tree Cœur de Pigeon J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Cherry tree Bigarreau Napoléon H: 18m
Stem/half stem
-20°C View prices
Cherry tree Guin J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Cherry tree Bigarreau Napoléon, Cherry tree Bigarreau Summit H: 18m
Stem/half stem
-20°C View prices
Cherry tree Cherry Baby J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 1.5m
-15°C View prices
Cherry tree, Carmine Jewel 'Griotte' J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 2m
-15°C View prices
Cherry tree de Nankin, Ragouminier red fruits J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 2m
-15°C View prices
Cherry tree de Nankin, Ragouminier white fruits J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 2m
-15°C View prices
Quince Tree J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 8m
-25°C View prices
Fig Tree Figality J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 1.5m
-15°C View prices
Kaki, Persimmon J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-20°C View prices
Nashi, Asian Pear J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Pear tree William's H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-15°C View prices
Medlar J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-15°C View prices
Walnut J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 25m
Stem/half stem
-20°C View prices
Mulberry Mojo Berry J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 1.5m
-15°C View prices
Pear tree Beurré hardy J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Pear tree William's H: 15m
Stem/half stem
-20°C View prices
Pear tree Conférence J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Pear tree Doyenné du Comice,
Pear tree William's
H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-28°C View prices
Pear tree Docteur Jules Guyot J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Pear tree Conférence,
Pear tree William's
H: 8m
Stem/half stem
-32°C View prices
Crab-apple Coccinella Courtarou J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile,
H: 4m
-20°C View prices
Apple tree Red flesh J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Apple tree Gala, Apple tree Courtarou, Apple tree Perpetu® Evereste H: 5m
-15°C View prices
Apple tree Belchard® Chantecler J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Apple tree Golden delicious, Apple tree Granny Smith, Apple tree Perpetu® Evereste H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-30°C View prices
Apple tree Belle de Boskoop J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Apple tree Reine des reinettes, Apple tree Reinette blanche du Canada, Apple tree Idared, Apple tree Perpetu® Evereste H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-30°C View prices
Apple tree Calville rouge d'Hiver J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Apple tree Golden Delicious, Apple tree Granny Smith, Apple tree Reine des Reinettes, Apple tree perpetu® Evereste , Apple tree Courtarou H: 4m
-20°C View prices
Apple tree Perpetu® Evereste J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile,
H: 5m
-20°C View prices
Apple tree Fuji J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Apple tree Golden delicious, Apple tree Granny Smith, Apple tree Perpetu® Evereste H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-30°C View prices
Apple tree Golden delicious J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Apple tree Granny Smith, Apple tree Reine des reinettes, Apple tree Starking, Apple tree Perpetu® Evereste H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-30°C View prices
Apple tree Gala J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Apple tree Golden Delicious, Apple tree Granny Smith, Apple tree Reine des Reinettes, Apple tree perpetu® Evereste, Apple tree Courtarou H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-30°C View prices
Apple tree Granny Smith J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Apple tree Golden, Apple tree Reine des reinettes, Apple tree Starking, Apple tree Perpetu® Evereste H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-30°C View prices
Apple tree Juliet J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Apple tree Perpetu® Evereste, Apple tree Courtarou H: 7m
Stem/half stem
-18°C View prices
Apple tree Reine des Reinettes J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Apple tree Golden, Apple tree Granny Smith, Apple tree Starking, Apple tree Perpetu® Evereste H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-30°C View prices
Apple tree Reinette grise du Canada J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Apple tree Granny Smith, Apple tree Perpetu® Evereste H: 5m
Stem/half stem
-30°C View prices
Plum tree d'Ente, Agen Prune J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 6m
Stem/half stem
-17°C View prices
Plum tree Mirabelle de Nancy J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 7m
Stem/half stem
-17°C View prices
Plum tree Plum Me J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 1.5m
-15°C View prices
Plum tree President J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Plum tree Reine Claude de Bavay, Plum tree Reine Claude dorée H: 7m
Stem/half stem
-17°C View prices
Plum tree Quetsche d'Alsace J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 7m
Stem/half stem
-17°C View prices
Plum tree Reine Claude d'Althan J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Plum tree Reine Claude dorée H: 7m
Stem/half stem
-17°C View prices
Plum tree Reine Claude de Bavay J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 7m
Stem/half stem
-17°C View prices
Plum tree Reine Claude dorée J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Plum tree Reine Claude de Bavay H: 7m
Stem/half stem
-17°C View prices
Rowan, large fruit 'Burka' J.F.M.A.M.J.J.A.S.O.N.D Autofertile H: 4m
-20°C View prices
: Fruit color
: Month of year, harvesting months in bold
(Ex. Here harvesting is between March and September.)
H: 3m
: Adult height of plant, here it is 3m
: Planting distance between plants, here it is 1.50m
: Plant does not tolerate alkaline soil
: Adult plant hardy to -20°C

Catalog of individual ecological mulches

Screening Hedge Flowering Hedge
Blooming Hedge
Border Hedge
Low Hedge
Bamboos Hedge Defensive Hedge
Windbreak Hedge Evergreen Hedge Gourmand Hedge Country Hedge
Farmland Hedge
Melliferous Hedge
Fruit Hedge Forest Edge Mature
Hedge Plants
Pépinières PLANFOR
1950 Route de Cère
Tel : (020).7660.0178