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Water Lily 'Wanvisa'   /   Nymphaea Wanvisa

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Description: Water Lily 'Wanvisa'

Water Lily 'Wanvisa'- Nymphaea Wanvisa (latin)
Aquatic Plant

Depth of water: From 20 to 60 cm of calm water
Blooming season: Summer
Colour of flowers: Salmon Pink
Exposure: Full sun, at least 5 hours of sunlight
Hardiness: Hardy down to -17°C

The Water Lily ‘Wanvisa’ is a vigorous and prolific bloomer. It produces flowers from April to October, depending on the temperatures. The flowers are orange-red to yellow and sometimes bicoloured; they float on the water, surrounded by a decorative brownish-purple and green foliage.
The flower lives only 3 days and the leaves about 20 days, but this repeat-flowering plant grows continuously, replacing the flowers and the leaves throughout the season.
This salmon pink Water Lily will highlight your water garden!

Planting the Water Lily:

After receiving the bucket, place the Water Lily directly into the water garden (the basin should receive at least 80 litres of water, and be 20 to 60 cm deep)
- Either by removing it from the bucket and planting it directly into the basin floor.
- Either by removing the lid of the bucket that contains the Water Lily and by placing it directly into the basin.

Could I repot my Water Lily in a bigger pot?
It is possible to repot a Water Lily in a pot bigger by 10 to 15 litres, and which is wider rather than higher (like a big saucer), complete with compost. Place a heavy layer made of gravel on the surface of the pot, over the compost, to prevent fish from clouding the water of the basin.

Caring tips:

The cycle of the Water Lily stops in autumn when the temperatures and the sunlight start decreasing. The plant becomes yellow and then disappears naturally. New stems and flowers grow again with the coming spring. This variety is hardy and frost resistant, it does not need any winter protection.
Feed at least twice a year – for example in spring and in summer - with a solid or liquid fertilizer, to help the growth and the blooming.

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