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Buy: Coriander


Pictures of:  Coriander


Description: Coriander

Coriander - Coriandrum sativum (latin)

Type of soil: Rich, light and well drained.
Sowing time: February to May.
Harvest time: May to September.
Site: Full sun. Avoid draughts.

Sow directly in the ground:
Sow in 1 to 2cm deep furrows that are 30cm apart. Cover with fine soil, firm down and water. Keep the soil moist until they come through. Thin out once the plants have 4 to 5 leaves, keeping a plant every 20cm.

It is a waste of time to water. Weed regularly. Harvest the leaves, as you need them just until the flowers appear.
You could also harvest the fruits once the leaves start to dry: cut the flowers off along with the stem and make small bouquets that are hung with the flowers facing down in a dry well aired spot. Once the flowers are dry, harvest the fruits, which can be kept in an airtight container until the following year. Their delicate orange like scent can be used to flavour your jars of gherkins or your curries, tagines or terrines...

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