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Geranium Compost

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Buy: Geranium Compost


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Description: Geranium Compost

Geranium Compost

Suggested use:
- All Hardy geranium varieties
- All pelargonium varieties
- Perennial plants
- Aromatic plants
- Spring flowering plants

- Bark and manure compost
- Sedge and bog peat
- Soil
- Fertilizer

Agronomic description:
This compost combines three favourable characteristics for geraniums' development :
- A full bodied compost (rich enough),
- Rich in manure as these are demanding plants,
- Drainage helping bark added to avoid rotting of the roots

Geranium Compost

Chemical breakdown:

Aqueous extract 1/5
pH (H2O) 6,3
Conductivity (mS/m) 45
Dry matter (% gross product) 30
Organic matter (% dry product) 40
Capacity for water retention (ml/l) 680
Fertiliser composition NPK 14-10-18 (kg/m3) 1

This compost complies with:
- NF U 44-551
- To the quality attestation NF 142 (Cultivation medium)
- Guidelines contained in the CAS charter

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