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Toad Lily   /   Tricyrtis formosana

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Description: Toad Lily

Toad Lily - Tricyrtis formosana (latin)

Geographical origin: Taiwan.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 80cm, spread up to 80cm.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Moist to wet, rich and well-drained.
Climate: Hardy up to -15°C.
Site: Partial shade.

Characteristics and uses:
The Toad Lily is an herbaceous perennial which form clumps of erect stems with velvety leaves. It blossoms from July to the end of September. Its flowers are white with purple spots, with large stamens which are reminiscent of Orchids’ flowers.
Shown at its best planted in the flowering bed with bulbous plants as companions.

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