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Abelia 'Confetti'ฎ

4.25 € - 5.25 € 

Abelia, Glossy

4.55 € - 5.95 € 

Abelia grandiflora

2.75 € - 59.50 € 

Achira, Indian shot

22.95 € - 24.50 € 


Alpine mint bush

4.45 € - 21.50 € 

Anisodonthea capensis

2.25 € - 16.50 € 

Apple Mint

2.05 € - 3.75 € 

Azalea mollis 'Nabucco'

4.45 € - 14.50 € 


Azalea 'Pink Spider'

11.95 € - 19.50 € 

Bamboo dwarf, heavenly Fire P.

2.95 € - 9.50 € 

Bamboo, heavenly

2.95 € - 49.50 € 

Banana shrub

8.95 € - 15.50 € 



3.75 € - 5.95 € 

Bird of Paradise

3.95 € - 5.95 € 

Black Lilyturf

3.75 € - 7.95 € 

Bleeding Heart 'Valentine'

4.95 € - 6.50 € 


Bluebeard 'First Choice'

2.25 € - 9.50 € 

Bluebeard 'Worcester Gold'

2.45 € - 8.50 € 

Bottlebrush, Laevis

2.95 € - 21.50 € 


Bottlebrush, Little John

2.95 € - 5.50 € 

Bottlebrush, Pink

2.95 € - 24.50 € 


2.95 € - 5.50 € 

Bottlebrush, Yellow

2.95 € - 5.50 € 


Broom, Spanish

1.25 € - 4.55 € 

Buddleia 'Adonis blue Adokeep'

3.90 € - 8.95 € 

Buddleia 'Mauve'

2.75 € - 4.95 € 

Buddleia 'Nanho purple'

3.96 € - 8.95 € 


Buddleia 'Pink delight'

3.40 € - 8.95 € 

Buddleia 'Royal Red'

3.40 € - 8.95 € 

Buddleia 'White profusion'

3.95 € - 8.95 € 


Buddleia Yellow 'Sungold'

4.95 € - 11.95 € 

Butterfly bush, Three-coloured

8.95 € - 15.50 € 


37.95 € - 39.50 € 

Caper bush

9.95 € - 11.95 € 


Cassia, smooth

4.45 € - 5.50 € 


2.45 € - 21.50 € 

Cherry tree, Nanking Red Fruits

4.45 € - 19.50 € 

Cherry tree, Nanking white fruits

6.95 € - 8.45 € 


Clematis 'Ernest Markham'

10.45 € - 13.45 € 

Clematis 'Mme Lecoultre'

10.95 € - 13.45 € 

Clematis 'Pink Fantasy'

10.95 € - 13.45 € 


20.95 € - 22.50 € 


Coffee shrub of Arabia

3.45 € - 14.95 € 

Common Bladdernut, Anthony nut

14.45 € - 34.50 € 

Coralberry, Hancock Chenault

1.95 € - 3.80 € 


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