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Description: Hedge, wind-break

Wind break Hedge

Height at maturity: Up to 25 m (82').
Interest: All year.
Planting distance: Every metre.

The "wind-break hedge" is today an integral part of managing land and gardens in rural and agricultural areas. It aids the efficient use of water, protects animals from the wind, the cold and the sun, improves the yields, protects from heavy rainfall, protects buildings, helps to prevent erosion, contributes to the production of game and maintains a natural balance for animal species. At a time when pollution and climatic changes are of great concern to everyone, the planting of windbreak hedges is a responsible and positive way of improving our environment.

The mixture of plants that we are offering will protect an area 15 times its height. If it attains a height of 20 m (65.6'), it can therefore have a beneficial effect for a distance of 300 m (328 yds).

This hedging design comprises 3 different elements:
1- Top height trees have a trunk without branches for 4-5 m (13-16') and then branches providing foliage and protection along the top of the hedge. The selected trees can grow to 25 m (82') in height by the time they are fully grown.
2- Medium height trees should be cut hard back in the 2nd year after planting to allow coppicing of trees. These will provide the protection through the middle part of the hedge.
3- Bushy shrubs provide an impermeable boundary at the base of the hedge. It also provide shelter and nourishment for wild animals and birds.


Find each plant's specification:
Bloodtwig Dogwood (Cornus sanguinea), extremely decorative red stems in winter
Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera), white blossom in March-April
Common Hazel (Corylus avellana)
European Spindle Tree (Euonymus europaeus), small white flowers in May-June, bright red foliage in the autumn, decorative berries in winter
Guelder-Rose (Viburnum opulus), white blossom from April through to June, followed by bright red berries, red foliage in the autumn
Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), saw edged foliage
Norway Maple (Acer platanoides), rapid growth, beautiful autumn colour
Small-Leaved Lime (Tilia cordata), extremely beautiful tree that adds shade and fragrance to you garden in summer

Other ideas for hedges:
Country Hedge 'Pierre'
Flowering Hedge 'Emma'
Flowering Hedge 'Julie'
Gourmand Hedge 'Ophélie'

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