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Kalanchoe Red flowered   /   Kalanchoe rubra

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Buy: Kalanchoe Red flowered


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Description: Kalanchoe Red flowered

Red flowered Kalanchoe - Kalanchoe (latin)
Indoor plant

Recommended temperature: At least 15°C whilst dormant, at least 20°C the rest of the time.
Hygrometry: Dry atmosphere.
Soil: Free draining, dry.
Site: Full light, tolerates direct sun light.
Geographical origins: Madagascar.

Properties and uses:
The kalanchoe is a magnificent succulent house plant that is easy to look after and very decorative.
It also benefits from beautiful red flowers during the spring.

Looking after advice:

- Wait until the soil is very dry before watering it.
- If the leaves start to droop then it is time to water it.
- During the flowering season it is recommended to water it sparingly but regularly (1 to 2 times per week).
- Feed it with organic fertiliser every fortnight from February through to the end of the flowering period.
- You should also remove the dead flowers as they occur, this will encourage further flowering.
- After flowering or in the autumn, re-pot the plant in a slightly bigger pot. You can also put your kalanchoe outside in full sun until the end of September.

- Ideally, the kalanchoe will spend winter in a dry spot with very little heating.

Soil and Compost

Potting Compost

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