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Indoor Container 'Indoor Jungle'   /   Indoor Jungle

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Description: Indoor Container 'Indoor Jungle'

Indoor Container Indoor Jungle - Collection Autumn-winter

Decorate your indoors space in style with our seasonal window-boxes!
Ready in only a few minutes, these floral compositions will brighten up your winter while waiting for the return of spring.

Our plants-designers also think about your indoor space with this original flower display looking like a hanging, tropical jungle. The Calathea, the Aeschynantus and the Clorophytum form a striking combination in soft shades of green...

Discover in 1 minute the different essential steps of the window-box realisation, click here to view our video!

The creation 'Indoor Jungle' consists of :
- 1 x Calathea 'Zebrina'
- 1 x Chlorophytum 'Ocean'
- 1 x Aeschynanthus 'Rasta'

It is presented in a hanging basket weave from Smart Garden® which has a 35 cm diameter. You can also present this flower display in a classic pot of 30 to 35cm in diameter placed higher up on a piece of furniture!

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