Legal mentions

Company's Information:

The site is the property of the company S.A.S PLANFOR, as well as the totality of the rights relating to it:

Company's Information: Simplified joint-stock company with a capital of 73 120 Euros
Registered Office: Pépinières PLANFOR - 1950 Route de Cère - 40090 Uchacq-et-Parentis - FRANCE
Registered with the Trade and companies register Mont de Marsan: 327 754 057 000 13

Intra-Community VAT Number: FR52327754057

Business Identification Number: 327 754 057 000 13
Business Activity code: 0210Z

DRAAF register number: FR AQ-00209

Tel.: (020) 7660 0178

Publication Manager: Christophe Ballarin

Technical service provider (host):
The site is hosted by the Company OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

Protection of personal information:

All the personal information given to us will only be used in relation to orders and will not under any circumstances be re-used outside our company or distributed to anyone. According to the law N. 78-17 of 6th January 1978 relating to data protection and freedom of access, you dispose through our customer services the right of access, consultation, modification, rectification or removal of the data that you have provided us.

Protection of personal information

Utilisation des cookies:

During your visit on our website, cookies are left on your computer, your mobile or your tablet.
Our website is designed to be really attentive to the needs and wishes of our clients. Therefore this is one of the reasons why we use cookies so as to allow you to identify yourself, access your customer's account and manage your shopping basket.

Information on cookies

Terms and conditions of sale

The site is the property of the company S.A.S PLANFOR, as well as the totality of the rights relating to it. Any duplication whole or partial cannot be carried out without the authorisation of the company. However, hyperlinks are authorised without specific request.
Placing an order implies complete acceptance of the conditions of sale and the price quoted on the website. Mutually, PLANFOR commits to respect its obligations. The present conditions apply exclusively to all order placed through the websites, and or by telephone.

See Terms and conditions of sale

Credits photos and illustrations:,,,,, Franck Boucourt, Jean-Michel Groult,,,,

Updated on: 28-10-2021

© Copyright 2005-2021 PLANFOR

Payment & Security
Modes de paiement et Sécurité
Pépinières PLANFOR
1950 Route de Cère
Tel : (020).7660.0178