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White Poinsettia, White Christmas Flower   /   Euphorbia pulcherrima alba

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Description: White Poinsettia, White Christmas Flower

White Poinsettia - Euphorbia pulcherrima alba (latin)
Indoor plant

Geographical origin: Central America.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 5m in its natural habitat.
Foliage: Evergreen.
Type of soil: Light and well drained.
Climate: Not Hardy, to be kept in temperatures of between 15 and 23°C.
Site: Avoid placing it in direct sunrays.
Beware: The Poinsettia's sap is toxic!

Properties and uses:
The white Poinsettia , also known as the Christmas Flower, is the star plants in all homes at Christmas time, It blossoms from November to February and develops at its base snow-white bracts, It can be easily integrated in our Christmas decorations, decorated with tinsels, a pretty cache-pot or combined with other Poinsettias of different colours.

Looking after advice:

Keep your Poinsettia in a room at approximately 20°C, protected from direct sunrays.
The Poinsettia has fragile roots. You must therefore water it with water at ambient temperature and avoid watering it in excess or let water stagnates in its saucer. When repotting your Poinsettia, avoid tamping down the potting compost too much.

How to make your Poinsettia flower again?
At the end of blossom, cut the dead leaves and bracts and supply with a fertiliser for flowering plants. It is also possible to place it outdoors in summer. In October/November, prepare its new blossom by placing it in darkness 12 to 14 hours per day. This step is essential for the good flowering of your plant! As soon as the bracts are fully coloured, this daily action is no longer necessary and you will be able to enjoy the sight of these beautiful colours for several weeks.

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