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Sage, Salmon Pink   /   Salvia greggii 'Dancing Dolls'

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Everything about: Sage, Salmon Pink

Salmon Pink Sage - Salvia greggii Suncrest® 'Dancing Dolls' (latin)

Geographical origin: Horticulture.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 70 cm, width up to 50 cm.
Foliage: Hardy perennial.
Type of soil: Any, well drained.
Hardiness: Hardy to -12°C.
Exposition: Full sun.

Properties and uses:
The Greggii SUNCREST 'Dancing Dolls' is a shrublike Sage with tiny salmon pink leaves, very attractive for bees and butterflies. The abundant blossom of small flowers will last from May until Novembre.
This Sage is a good addition to your garden as a ground cover, in low hedges, in flowerbeds or even in planters with grass.
Don't hesitate to cut the wilted flowers, to see the new ones appear!

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