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Apple tree 'Starkrimson'   /   Malus pumila Starkrimson

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Description: Apple tree 'Starkrimson'

Apple tree 'Starkrimson' - Malus pumila 'Starkrimson' (latin)

Geographic origin: United States (Iowa).
Adult size: Height up to 5 metres.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: All soils, apple trees particularly like heavy, rich and damp soils but not too wet.
Climate: Hardy to -30°C.
Position: Full sun, sheltered from winds.

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Properties and uses:
The apple tree should really be your first choice if you decide to plant some fruit trees. It is at home in all types of soil, as long as they are not too dry.
It flowers in the springtime producing small bunches of whitish pink flowers. This is followed by the appearance of fruits and then a wait before the harvest and finally biting into them...
Apple trees need a pollinator of a different variety before they can fruit. The crab apple 'Evereste' is a good pollinator for all apple trees.
Finally, it is important to keep a regular look out for diseases, an annual prune and feed is also needed to ensure a good crop.
The apple tree Starkrimson has large violet red fruits speckled with white. The flesh is acidic and perfumed. They are ready to harvest at the end of September beginning of October and can be kept until February.

Plant them now: the shortest way to your plate is through your garden!

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