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Rock Rose, Orange   /   Helianthemum flammea

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Description: Rock Rose, Orange

Orange Rock Rose - Helianthemum flammea (latin)

Area of origin: Europe, Turkey
Adult dimensions: Height up to 20cm, width up to 40cm
Foliage: Evergreen
Soil type: Any type.
Hardiness: Hardy to -15°C
Exposure: Full sun

Characteristics and uses:
Helianthemum, or Rock Rose, is a low-growing evergreen subshrub covered with beautiful Orange flowers. The flowers bloom from May throughout September.
Ground-covering and abundant bloomer, the Rock Rose is easy to grow, hardy and drought resistant.
They are a good choice for planting in rock gardens, low stone walls, and slopes. It is also possible to plant them amidst other perennials or small bushes in flower beds. They thrive in dry soil and sunny areas of the garden.

List of ground-covering plants
List of plants for dry soil

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