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Rose 'All my loving'   /   Rosa All my loving

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Description: Rose 'All my loving'

Rose 'All my Loving'® Fryrisky - Rosa 'All my Loving'® (latin)

Breeder: Gareth Fryer, 2011.

Blossom: From June to October, highly repeating.
Flower diameter: 10-12 cm.
Fragrance: Mild, fragrance of spiced tea.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 85 cm.
Foliage: Deciduous.

Type of soil: Rich and free draining, avoid chalky soils.
Climate: Very hardy.
Site: Partial shade to full sun.
Planting spacing: 80 cm between each plant.

Properties and uses:
Gentlemen, this is the ideal Rose bush to offer to your beloved! As the Beatles song says “All my loving I will send to you “. The flowers of the Rose 'All my Loving' are of a deep pink to a pale red and bloom repeatedly from the beginning of summer to the autumn. They are deliciously fragranced and hold very well in cut bouquets. This Rose bush grows into a beautiful bush which has glossy leaves. It is diseases-resistant. This Hybrid Tea Rose is also known under the name 'Charme de Bézouotte'.

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