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Rose 'André Le Notre'   /   Rosa André Le Notre

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Description: Rose 'André Le Notre'

Rose 'André Le Notre'® Meiceppus - Rosa 'André Le Notre'® (latin)

Breeder: Meilland 2001.

Blossom: Continual flowering.
Flower diameter: 12/13 cm.
Fragrance: Medium.
Adult dimensions: Height up 1 m.
Foliage: Deciduous.

Type of soil: Rich and free draining, avoid chalky soils.
Climate: Very hardy.
Site: Full sun.
Planting spacing: Approximately every 60 cm.

Properties and uses:
The Rose 'André Le Notre'® is a vigorous Rose which bears large flowers. The double flowers are pale pink with darker pink in the centre. They give off a delicate May rose fragrance.
Planted in groups of 3 or 5, this Rose will simply be sensational in your garden.
This Rose is named after the well known Versailles’ gardener thanks to its exceptional blossoming habit and its excellent resistance to diseases.

Gold medal H.T. Rome 2000
Crown 'Queen Theodolinde', The most fragrant Rose
Silver medal and masculine prize at Monza 2000
Perfume cup in Geneva 2000
Perfume prize, Merit certificate in Madrid 2000
Gold medal in Courtrai 2000
Prize from the public 2000, Monza 2001
Perfume and novelty prize in Barcelona 2001

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