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Pistachio   /   Pistacea vera

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Everything about: Pistachio

Pistachio - Pistacea vera (latin)

Area of origin: Middle East
Adult dimensions: Height up to 10m
Foliage: Semipersistent
Soil type: Rich and well-drained, alkaline soil
Hardiness: Hardy to -20°C, needs protection from spring frost
Exposure: Full sun

Properties and uses:
The Pistachio is dioecious, which means that they are separate male and female trees. So, it requires the planting of both male and female trees for a successful fecundation and fruit production. The Pistachio, like the almond tree, is quite hardy but does not tolerate late frost; the flowers die below -2°C. The production of the pistachio nuts also depends on long hot summers, and good watering.
The first pistachio harvest is generally done 6 years after the planting, the nuts are harvested in autumn and dried.
The Pistachio is a beautiful ornamental tree which can be planted alone in a garden, without a production goal.

Plant them now: the shortest way to your plate is through your garden!

See complete catalogue for Fruit trees
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>See the Plants for Agroforestry Catalogue

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