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Nectarine tree with yellow flesh   /   Prunus persica NJ

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Description: Nectarine tree with yellow flesh

Nectarine tree with yellow flesh - Prunus persica var. nectarine with yellow flesh (latin)

Geographic origin: China.
Adult size: Height up to 5 metres.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: All, except very cold soils.
Climate: Hardy to -15°C, but the flowers will perish below -1°C.
Position: Full sun, sheltered from cold winds.
Pollinators: Self-fertile. However if two different varieties are planted in proximity then the yield of fruit will be higher.

Properties and uses:
The nectarine tree is happy in a temperate climate. It does not particularly like the cold but prefers warmth and sunshine. The nectarine is a variation of the peach tree that developed to survive in very dry conditions.
Its rose coloured flowers appear in the spring and are followed by the fruits, which are delicious if allowed to ripen in the sun.
The nectarine tree is very susceptible to the disease 'peach leaf curl', so you must be attentive and use a preventative treatment just after the leaves have fallen and before the flowers appear. You should also keep an eye open for any other disease that could affect its health...
It is important to regularly prune the tree as this encourages better fruiting and because the fruit bearing branches die off.

- The nectarine tree 'Arkings' produces medium-sized fruits with red skin and firm yellow flesh, sweet and juicy. They mature in July.
- The nectarine tree 'Big Top' produces large, very firm fruits.
- The nectarine tree 'Independence' produces large colorful nectarines with tasty flesh. They are ready to pick at the beginning of August.
- The nectarine tree 'Fantasia' produces quite large fruits that are bright red over a yellow orange base. The flesh is firm, juicy and tasty. They are ready to pick at the end of August.

Plant them now: the shortest way to your plate is through your garden!

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