Home > Plants > Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia

Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia   /   Zoysia tenuifolia

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Buy: Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia

Ref Description € Inc Tax Buy Availability
7874J Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia
Young plug plant.
4.75 Available
7874K Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 3 units purchased.
4.25 Available
7874S Special Offer - 20%
Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia
Young plug plant.
3.80 Available
7874L Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 34 units purchased.
3.75 Available
7874M Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 68 units purchased.
3.25 Available
7874N Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 136 units purchased DELIVERY INCLUDED.
2.99 Available
7874P Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 250 units purchased DELIVERY INCLUDED.
2.59 Available
7874Q Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 500 units purchased DELIVERY INCLUDED.
2.09 Available
7874R Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 1000 units purchased DELIVERY INCLUDED.
1.79 Available


Pictures of:  Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia


Everything about: Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia

Korean Velvet Grass, Zoysia - Zoysia tenuifolia (latin)

Area of origin: Asia
Adult Dimensions: Up to 5 cm
Foliage: Evergreen
Soil Type: Poor, light and dry
Hardiness: Hardy to -15°C.
Exposure: Full sun, heat resistent
Density: 9 plants/m2

Characteristics and uses:
The Korean Velvet Grass or Zoysia, is a perennial ground-covering grass. It can be trampled, and that even improves its density. Do not hesitate to plant it where people come and go.

It is also a good alternative to traditional lawn in any parts of the garden where:

  • you want only a minimum of care :
    Mow this grass 2 to 5 times a year maximum to improve the density, no need to water as it is drought resistant!
  • no other plant grows :
    It thrives in full sun or shady areas, on irregular ground, on seacoast.
  • you do not wish to work the soil :
    It adapts to any types of soil, can be associated to rocks or to any other kind of garden arrangement or furniture.

Winter distinctive characteristic
it is often used in the South or South West of France. In regions with a colder climate or after a frost spell, it could turn yellow. This change of colour could last more or less according to the winter temperatures. Do not worry as it will become green again with the coming of Spring!

Ground cover plants

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