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Plants for Agroforestry

Planfor has selected for you the trees and fruit trees of interest for agroforestry projects.

118 reference(s) - - 1 page(s)


Alder, italian

2.25 € - 5.95 € 


1.75 € - 7.50 € 

Apple tree 'Belchard Chantecler'

21.95 € - 64.50 € 

Apple tree 'Belle de Boskoop'

15.95 € - 64.50 € 


Apple tree 'Calville rouge d'hiver'

27.95 € - 64.50 € 

Apple tree 'Fuji'

21.95 € - 64.50 € 

Apple tree 'Gala'

23.60 € - 64.50 € 

Apple tree 'Golden delicious'

22.95 € - 64.50 € 


Apple tree 'Granny Smith'

23.60 € - 64.50 € 

Apple tree 'Guillevic'

59.50 € - 64.50 € 

Apple tree 'Juliet'

32.95 € - 64.50 € 

Apple tree 'Moën'

59.50 € - 64.50 € 


Apple tree, Red flesh

19.95 € - 69.50 € 

Apple tree 'Reine des reinettes'

22.95 € - 64.50 € 

Apple tree 'Reinette grise du Canada'

27.95 € - 64.50 € 

Apricot tree 'Bergeron'

29.50 € - 64.50 € 


Apricot tree 'Canino'

27.95 € - 64.50 € 

Apricot tree, dwarf self-fertile

37.95 € - 59.50 € 

Apricot tree 'Rouge du Roussillon'

29.50 € - 64.50 € 

Apricot tree Tardif de Tarbes'

27.95 € - 67.50 € 


Avocado 'Bacon'

59.95 € - 74.50 € 

Avocado 'Fuerte'

59.95 € - 74.50 € 

Beech, European

1.25 € - 89.50 € 

Birch, Silver

1.45 € - 59.50 € 



1.45 € - 9.95 € 

Broom, scotch

1.15 € - 7.95 € 

Broom, Scotch 'Boskoop Ruby'

2.95 € - 7.95 € 

Broom, Scotch 'Burkwoodii'

2.45 € - 4.25 € 


Broom, Scotch 'La Coquette'

2.45 € - 7.95 € 

Broom, Scotch 'Lena'

2.45 € - 7.95 € 

Buckthorn, glossy

1.25 € - 7.50 € 

Cherry, bird

2.45 € - 10.50 € 


Cherry, plum

1.45 € - 21.50 € 

Cherry, Sour 'Griotte de Montmorency'

29.50 € - 64.50 € 

Cherry tree Bigarreau Burlat

18.95 € - 64.50 € 


Cherry tree Bigarreau Napoléon

27.95 € - 59.50 € 

Cherry tree Bigarreau Summit

27.95 € - 64.50 € 

Cherry tree Bigarreau Tardif de Vignola

27.95 € - 64.50 € 

Cherry tree Coeur de pigeon

27.95 € - 64.50 € 


Cherry tree 'Guin'

64.50 € 

Cherry tree, Nanking Red Fruits

4.45 € - 19.50 € 

Cherry tree, Nanking white fruits

6.95 € - 8.45 € 

Cherry, wild

2.45 € - 69.50 € 


Chestnut, Sweet

2.25 € - 82.60 € 

Common Pear, European Pear

59.50 € - 64.50 € 


2.45 € - 10.50 € 

Crab-apple Coccinella 'Courtarou'

5.95 € - 19.50 € 


Crab-apple, Perpetu 'Evereste'

5.95 € - 59.50 € 

Elderberry, Black

1.75 € - 9.50 € 

Elderberry, red

2.45 € - 4.95 € 


Hawthorn, Common

1.45 € - 6.45 € 

Hazel, common

1.65 € - 12.51 € 


Hickory, Shagbark, Shellbark

6.95 € - 19.50 € 

Honey Tree

5.45 € - 89.50 € 


0.99 € - 69.50 € 

Hornbeam 'Fastigiata'

7.95 € - 64.50 € 


Hornbeam, Hop

6.95 € - 74.50 € 


7.95 € - 74.50 € 

Kaki or Persimmon

59.50 € - 74.51 € 


Lime, large-leaved

1.65 € - 74.50 € 

Lime, small-leaved

1.95 € - 94.50 € 

Maple, field

1.05 € - 64.50 € 

Maple, Norway

1.55 € - 64.50 € 


Nashi or Asian Pear

19.95 € - 74.60 € 

Nectarine tree with white flesh

29.50 € - 74.50 € 

Nectarine tree with yellow flesh

69.95 € - 74.50 € 


Oak, cork

1.45 € - 69.50 € 

Oak, downy

1.75 € - 74.50 € 

Oak, holm

1.45 € - 74.50 € 

Oak, pedunculate

1.75 € - 69.50 € 


Oak, Pyrenean

2.45 € - 15.50 € 

Oak, sessile

1.95 € - 69.50 € 

Oak, Turkey

1.45 € - 49.50 € 

Pagodatree, Japanese

5.95 € - 94.50 € 


Pear, common

1.55 € - 5.50 € 

Pear tree 'Beurré hardy'

49.95 € - 64.50 € 

Pear tree 'Conference'

27.95 € - 64.50 € 

Pear tree 'Doctor Jules Guyot'

18.45 € - 64.50 € 


Pear tree 'Doyenne du Comice'

17.45 € - 64.50 € 

Pear tree 'Duchesse d’Angoulême'

53.95 € - 58.50 € 

Pear tree 'Williams'

15.95 € - 64.50 € 


Pear tree, 'William's' red

51.95 € - 59.50 € 

Pecan tree

6.95 € - 94.50 € 

Pepper, Szechuan

7.45 € - 31.50 € 

Persian ironwood

3.95 € - 69.50 € 



92.50 € - 94.50 € 

Plum tree D'Ente, Plum tree from Agen

26.55 € - 64.50 € 

Plum tree 'Mirabelle de Nancy'

16.95 € - 64.50 € 


Plum tree 'Quetsche d’Alsace'

22.95 € - 64.50 € 

Plum tree 'Reine Claude d’Althan'

27.95 € - 64.50 € 

Plum tree 'Reine Claude de Bavay'

22.95 € - 64.50 € 

Plum tree 'Reine Claude dorée'

17.95 € - 64.50 € 



6.44 € - 76.50 € 

Poplar, black

2.45 € - 64.50 € 

Poplar, white

2.95 € - 64.50 € 

Princess tree

3.65 € - 104.50 € 


Purple Leaved Plum Tree

4.95 € - 64.50 € 

Raspberry Orange Creeping

3.95 € - 6.50 € 


1.95 € - 69.50 € 

Rowan, large fruit 'Burka'

6.95 € - 8.95 € 


Self-fertile dwarf Nectarine

37.95 € - 39.50 € 

Serviceberry, canadian

1.55 € - 9.50 € 

Service tree

12.95 € - 15.50 € 

Service tree, wild

1.75 € - 59.50 € 


Strawberry Clover

1.95 € - 4.55 € 

Strawberry tree

1.75 € - 74.95 € 

Walnut, common

11.95 € - 99.50 € 


Whitebeam, common

2.15 € - 79.50 € 

Whitebeam, Swedish

4.95 € - 9.50 € 


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Pépinières PLANFOR
1950 Route de Cère
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