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Bulbs to plant in spring

109 reference(s) - - 1 page(s)

Amaryllis, Orange, single

8.00 € - 10.95 € 

Amaryllis 'Red Lion', single

8.00 € - 10.95 € 


Arum lily Black

4.30 € - 5.95 € 

Arum lily 'Cameo'

4.30 € - 5.80 € 

Arum lily Crimson

4.30 € - 5.80 € 


Arum lily 'Jaune'

4.30 € - 5.80 € 

Arum lily 'Red'

4.30 € - 5.80 € 

Arum lily White

4.30 € - 5.80 € 

Begonia Bertinii orange-red

7.50 € - 8.50 € 


Begonia Double 'Bouton de rose'

4.70 € - 7.05 € 

Begonia Double 'Camelia'

4.75 € - 7.10 € 

Begonia Double mixed

4.70 € - 7.05 € 

Begonia Double orange

4.70 € - 7.05 € 


Begonia Double pink

4.70 € - 7.05 € 

Begonia Double red

4.70 € - 7.05 € 

Begonia Double white

4.70 € - 7.05 € 

Begonia Double yellow

4.70 € - 7.05 € 


Begonia Multiflora Red

6.10 € - 8.25 € 

Begonia Pendula Orange

6.10 € - 8.25 € 

Begonia Pendula Pink

6.10 € - 8.25 € 

Begonia Pendula Red

6.10 € - 8.25 € 


Canna 'Angel Martin'

3.95 € - 5.25 € 

Canna 'Black Knight'

3.95 € - 5.25 € 

Canna 'Gold Ader'

3.95 € - 5.25 € 

Canna mixed

14.75 € 


Canna Orange Wyoming

3.95 € - 5.25 € 

Canna 'Picasso'

3.95 € - 5.25 € 

Canna 'Pink Furority'

3.95 € - 5.25 € 

Canna 'The president'

3.95 € - 5.25 € 


Canna 'Yellow'

3.95 € - 5.25 € 

Dahlia Ball 'Boy Scout'

4.00 € - 5.25 € 

Dahlia Ball 'Eveline'

4.00 € - 5.25 € 

Dahlia Ball 'Peter'

4.00 € - 5.25 € 


Dahlia Ball 'Safe Shot'

4.00 € - 5.25 € 

Dahlia Ball 'Sunny Boy'

4.00 € - 5.25 € 

Dahlia Cactus 'Berger Record'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Cactus 'Cha Cha'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 


Dahlia Cactus 'Gina Lombaert'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Cactus 'Melody Gipsy'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Cactus mixed

7.95 € - 9.95 € 

Dahlia Cactus 'My Love'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 


Dahlia Cactus 'Rotterdam'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Decorative 'Abba'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Decorative 'Christine'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 


Dahlia Decorative 'Smokey'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Dwarf Cactus Mauve

4.00 € - 4.75 € 


Dahlia Dwarf Cactus White

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Dwarf Cactus Yellow

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Dwarf Decorativa 'Sisa'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 


Dahlia Dwarf Decorative mixed

7.95 € - 9.95 € 

Dahlia Dwarf Decorative 'Wittem'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Gallery 'Art Fair'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 


Dahlia Gallery 'Cezanne'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Gallery 'Monet'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 


Dahlia Mignon 'First Love'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Mignon pink

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Mignon red

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Mignon white

4.00 € - 4.75 € 


Dahlia Mignon Yellow

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Pompom 'Little William'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Pompom Mix

7.95 € - 9.95 € 

Dahlia Pompom 'Snowflake'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 


Dahlia Topmix Mauve

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Dahlia Topmix Red

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Decorative Dahlia 'Arabian Night'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 


Decorative Dahlia 'Darkarin'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 

Decorative Dahlia Mix

8.95 € - 9.95 € 

Decorative Dahlia 'Procyon'

4.00 € - 4.75 € 


Freesia Double Mixed

3.10 € - 5.15 € 

Freesia Mixed

2.95 € - 4.85 € 

Freesia Single Red

3.10 € - 4.95 € 

Gladiola 'Black Surprise'

3.75 € - 4.95 € 


Gladiola 'Fidelio'

3.75 € - 4.95 € 

Gladiola Mixed

3.75 € - 10.75 € 

Gladiola 'Nova lux'

3.75 € - 4.95 € 

Gladiola 'Oscar'

3.75 € - 4.95 € 


Gladiola 'Peter Pears'

3.75 € - 4.95 € 

Gladiola 'Princess Margaret'

3.75 € - 4.95 € 

Gladiola 'Purple flora'

3.75 € - 4.95 € 

Gladiola 'Rose supreme'

3.75 € - 4.95 € 


Gladiola 'White Friendship'

3.75 € - 4.95 € 

Hybrid Lily 'Cassandra'

2.85 € - 3.95 € 

Hybrid Lily 'Dimention'

2.85 € - 3.95 € 

Hybrid Lily 'Enchantement'

2.85 € - 3.95 € 


Hybrid Lily 'Le Rκve'

2.85 € - 3.95 € 

Hybrid Lily 'Red Night'

2.85 € - 3.95 € 

Hybrid Lily 'Stargazer'

2.85 € - 3.95 € 

Hybrid Lily 'Sterling Star'

2.85 € - 3.95 € 


Lily of the valley (bulb)

6.95 € - 8.95 € 


Trumpet shaped Lily Longiflorum

3.25 € - 4.50 € 

Trumpet shaped Lily 'Regale'

3.90 € - 4.50 € 


Trumpet shaped Lily 'Royal Gold'

3.25 € - 4.50 € 


Payment & Security
Modes de paiement et Sιcuritι
Pιpiniθres PLANFOR
1950 Route de Cθre
Tel : (020).7660.0178