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Rice Paper Tree   /   Tetrapanax papyrifera Rex

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Description: Rice Paper Tree

Rice Paper Tree - Tetrapanax papyrifera 'Rex' (latin)

Geographical origins: China, Japan, Taiwan.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 9 m, in general no more than 3 m under our latitudes.
Foliage: Evergreen.
Type of soil: Light and fertile.
Climate: Hardy to -10°C, the aerial parts are damaged as from -5°C.
Site: Partial shade to full sun. Does tolerate sea spray.

Characteristics and uses:
The Rice Paper plant thrives planted on its own or in a flowering bed. It grows rapidly, has downy branches and its fan-shaped leaves have a diameter which can reach a meter in width. It produces white downy flowers, in umbels, at the end of summer.
The Rice Paper tree does not need any particular care. Nevertheless, it has a tendency to produce suckers so you must regularly cut out the new shoots or place an anti-suckers' barrier if you do not wish it to spread out too much.
The Rice Paper tree will bring in, without a doubt, a touch of exoticism to your garden! It will enjoy the company of Banana trees and Palm trees, or the graphics of ornamental grasses.

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