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Coneflower Orange   /   Echinacea flammea

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Buy: Coneflower Orange

Ref Description € Inc Tax Buy Availability
7535J Orange Coneflower (Echinacea) 'Tangerine Dream'
Young plug plant
5.45 Available
7535L Orange Coneflower (Echinacea) 'Tangerine Dream'
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 3 units purchased.
4.95 Available
7535K Orange Coneflower (Echinacea) 'Tangerine Dream'
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 10 units purchased.
4.45 Available
7535M Orange Coneflower (Echinacea) 'Tangerine Dream'
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 25 units purchased.
3.95 Available
7535N Orange Coneflower (Echinacea) 'Tangerine Dream'
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 50 units purchased.
3.75 Available
7535A FERTILISER – Fertiliser tablet to place at the bottom of the hole before planting. Slow release over 7 to 8 months. Only 1 tablet in each hole. 0.40 Available


Pictures of:  Coneflower Orange


Description: Coneflower Orange

Orange Coneflower - Echinacea flammea (latin)

Geographical origin: North America.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 60 cm. spread up to 50cm.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Rich.
Climate: Hardy up to -15°C.
Site: Full sun.
Plantation's density: 6m².

Characteristics and uses:
Echinaceas are often used in flowering beds and borders. They are loved for their long, colourful blossom. Echinaceas do not require a lot of care: dead-head faded blooms regularly, except the ones at the end of the blossoming period as they are highly decorative, once dried, during winter and clean the clump before regrowth starts again.

The Echinacea flammea offers remarkable colours, bright orange with a dark centre, on large, single flowers which have traling petals.

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