Planfor - The smart way to garden

Gardening, decoration or planting, on your computer, tablet or mobile phone, take the time to discover our different technical sheets, advice sheets and videos. Everything has been done to help you to quickly find, all the necessary information for realising your plans successfully.
Order in a few clicks all the things you need for your garden !

Where you want..., it is a complete internet site but also an optimised site for smartphones to allow you to connect from anywhere you want: whether at the bottom of your garden for an urgent advice, in front of an unknown plant which appeals to you...

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...And with whom you want !

Share your favourite plants, your gardening experiences and your best loved plants with your close family members and your friends !

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At your own rythm...

It is not the right period for planting ? You have not decided yet what to plant ? No problem, with, save your shopping basket while waiting for the return of the warmest days, take the time to think, your basket will still be there when you are ready !

To discover or rediscover..., it is also a photograph library of more than 11.500 quality photographs, just as many different staged gardening situations and a unique inspirationnal space. You will be able to imagine your future garden, terrace or balcony...

A team of passionnate at your service...

Our Gardeners' Advisors are ready to help you whether by email or telephone.
They will give you personnalised, technical answers as soon as possible.

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A team of passionnate at your service...

Find on a multitude of step-by-step, lavishly illustrated Advice sheets on how to plant, how to look after your plants, maintenance...

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Modes de paiement et Sécurité
Pépinières PLANFOR
1950 Route de Cère
Tel : (020).7660.0178