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Madagascar Palm   /   Pachypodium geay

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Description: Madagascar Palm

Madagascar Palm - Pachypodium geayi (latin)
Indoor plant

Geographical origin: Southwest of Madagascar.
Adult sizes: Height up to 6 m in its natural habitat.
Foliage: Loses its leaves in the dry season.
Type of soil: Dry, sandy, well drained.
Climate: Non hardy, to be kept in warmth at more than 15°.
Site: Full sun all year round.

Properties and uses:
The Madagascar Palm is a tree originating from the desert areas of Madagascar. Under our latitudes, it thrives easily indoors. Its trunk is covered with spines and crowned with long, thin leaves. The first blossoms will trigger the production of branches but only the most patient will achieve it! Indeed, in order to bloom, the Madagascar Palm needs maximum heat and sun as well as sufficient water quantities, which match the summer’s rainy season of its natural habitat. If both conditions are obtained, then small, fragrant creamy-white flowers appear in tubular-shaped clusters.

Looking after advice:

The Madagascar Palm thrives in dry, arid areas
Dry season: From October to April, keep your Madagascar Palm in a room of at least 15°C, and with maximum amount of sunshine. Water moderately, once a month. It is normal to see the leaves fall as your Palm tree is entering the dormant season.
Summer season: As from the end of April start watering gradually and more regularly avoiding however excess of water as well as stagnating water. Increase the frequency and the water quantity as your Palm tree produces new crowns of leaves. Supply with a little fertiliser every fortnight. If temperatures allow, especially at night, you can place your Madagascar Palm outdoors, in full sun.

If your Palm tree has abnormally blackening, falling leaves: This is usually caused by a lack of sun and warmth, a kind of Palm’s depression! Reduce watering and place it in a heated room in front of a south-facing window.

See the catalogue of Indoor Plants
See all the Palm trees
See the catalogue of Olive trees and Palm trees

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