Home > Plants > Bamboo Pleioblastus Auricomus

Bamboo Pleioblastus Auricomus   /   Pleioblastus auricomus

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Buy: Bamboo Pleioblastus Auricomus


Pictures of:  Bamboo Pleioblastus Auricomus


Description: Bamboo Pleioblastus Auricomus

Bamboo Pleioblastus auricomus

Geographic Origin: Originates from Japan.
Adult size: 0.2 to 0.4 metres in height.
Diameter of cane: 0.1cm to 0.2cm.
Foliage: Dashed with gold/yellow.
Type of soil: Most and deep. Dislikes excess of lime.
Climate: Hardy.
Exposure: Partial shade.
Hardiness: -26°C.
Root development: Runner root system (spreading variety).
Plantation density: 6 / m².

Properties and uses:
The pleioblastus auricomus bamboo is at home in your borders or in small clumps. It is advisable to cut this bamboo back to ground level 2 or 3 times a year to keep the plant "fresh". Despite being very hardy, the Japanese often bring this bamboo indoors during the winter as its golden foliage brightens up the interior of the house.
Its foliage is lightly dashed with yellow and gold.
Its stems are lightly covered with down.

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