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Beech, Weeping   /   Fagus sylvatica Pendula

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Description: Beech, Weeping

Weeping Beech - Fagus sylvatica 'Pendula' (latin)

Area of origin: Hybrid from Fagus sylvatica.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 25 m, spread up to 20 m.
Foliage: Marcescent, it remains on the tree over winter, falling just before new leaves appear.
Soil Type: Any as long as free draining but not too dry.
Hardiness: hardy to -20°C, prefers a wet atmosphere.
Exposure:Shade to full sun.

Properties and uses:
The Common Beech has magnificent foliage with shimmering colours in the autumn. Its weeping shape and its branches which can touch the ground give it a very unusual aspect. Its foliage is ‘marcescent, meaning it remains on the tree over winter and fall just before the appearance of new leaves.
Superb grown on its own in a park, it can also be grown as a separating hedge thanks to its dense branches. As it withstands well pruning, it can also be grown as topiary or as a bonsai.

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