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Ericaceous Compost

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Buy: Ericaceous Compost


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Description: Ericaceous Compost

Ericaceous Compost

Suggested uses:
Anthuriums, Begonias, Rubber plant, ficus...

Hydrangeas, Azaleas, Heathers, Rhododendrons, Camellia, Ferns, Magnolias, Pieris, Japanese Maple, Plants for acid soil...

- Ericaceous Compost of the Landes' area, acid and rich in acid loving plants
- Origin: Forest of the Gascony moors

Agronomic description:
The Ericaceous Compost offers a light, aerated substrate ideal for all acid loving plants which do withstand neither drought nor excess water.
The pH of the true heath soil and especially its lack of lime make it a suitable soil for all acid loving plants' roots which do not thrive in soils which have a high PH, highness caused by the presence of lime. The composition guarantees an acid environment which is essential for their thriving.

Ericaceous Compost

Chemical breakdown:

Aqueous extract 1/1,5
pH (H2O) 5,4
Conductivity (mS/m) 7
Dry matter (% of gross product) 30
Organic matter (% of dry product) 25
Capacity for water retention (ml/l) 40

This compost complies with:
- NF U 44-551
- To the quality certification NF 142 Horticulture supports
- Guidelines contained in the CAS charter

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