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Juniper, Common   /   Juniperus communis

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Buy: Juniper, Common

Ref Description € Inc Tax Buy Availability
1801J Common juniper - Juniperus communis
Young plug plant. Height of plant: 30/50 cm (8/12").
7.95 Available
1801V Common juniper - Juniperus communis
Young plug plant. Height of plant: 30/50 cm (8/12").
Unit price available starting from 3 units purchased.
7.45 Available
1801K Common juniper - Juniperus communis
Young plug plant. Height of plant: 30/50 cm (8/12").
Unit price available starting from 10 units purchased.
6.95 Available
1801L Common juniper - Juniperus communis
Young plug plant - Height of plant: 10/15 cm.
4.95 Available
1801X Common juniper - Juniperus communis
Young plug plant. Height of plant: 30/50 cm.
Unit price available starting from 40 units purchased DELIVERY INCLUDED.
4.45 Available
1801T Common juniper - Juniperus communis
Young plug plant. Height of plant: 10/15 cm.
Unit price available starting from 3 units purchased.
4.45 Available
1801M Common juniper - Juniperus communis
Young plug plant. Height of plant: 10/15 cm.
Unit price available starting from 10 units purchased.
3.95 Available
1801U Common juniper - Juniperus communis
Young plug plant. Height of plant: 30/50 cm.
Unit price available starting from 80 units purchased DELIVERY INCLUDED.
3.95 Available
1801O Common juniper - Juniperus communis
Young plug plant. Height of plant: 10/15 cm.
Unit price available starting from 50 units purchased.
2.95 Available
1801R Common juniper - Juniperus communis
Young plug plant. Height of plant: 10/15 cm.
Unit price available starting from 100 units purchased DELIVERY INCLUDED.
2.45 Available
1801A FERTILISER – Fertiliser tablet to place at the bottom of the hole before planting. Slow release over 7 to 8 months. Only 1 tablet in each hole. 0.40 Available


Pictures of:  Juniper, Common


Everything about: Juniper, Common

Common Juniper - Juniperus communis (latin)

Area of origin: Europe.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 6m (19,7'), width up to 2m (6,6').
Foliage: Evergreen.
Soil Type: All.
Hardiness: Hardy to -40°C, resistant to pollution.
Exposure:Semi-shade to full sun.

Properties and uses:
This little conifer is very tough and resistant to cold and heat. The fruits take 2 years to ripen and can be seen all year round. The wood is used for sculpture and for smoking food. It can be grown in small gardens easily as its size is limited.

Plant them now: the shortest way to your plate is through your garden!

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