Home > Plants > Sedge 'Aurea'

Sedge 'Aurea'   /   Carex stricta Aurea

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Buy: Sedge 'Aurea'

Ref Description € Inc Tax Buy Availability
4805J Sedge 'Aurea' - Carex stricta 'Aurea'
Young plug plant.
5.55 Available
4805L Yellow Sedge - Carex stricta 'Aurea'
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 3 units purchased.
4.95 Available
4805K Yellow Sedge - Carex stricta 'Aurea'
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 10 units purchased.
4.45 Available
4805M Yellow Sedge - Carex stricta 'Aurea'
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 25 units purchased.
4.25 Available
4805R Yellow Sedge - Carex stricta 'Aurea'
Young plug plant.
Unit price available starting from 50 units purchased.
3.85 Available
4805A FERTILISER – Fertiliser tablet to place at the bottom of the hole before planting. Slow release over 7 to 8 months. Only 1 tablet in each hole. 0.40 Available


Pictures of:  Sedge 'Aurea'


Description: Sedge 'Aurea'

Yellow Sedge - Carex stricta 'Aurea', Carex elata 'Aurea' (latin)

Area of origin: North of United States.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 0.8m, width up to 0.8m (2.6').
Foliage: Semi-evergreen.
Soil Type: Moist to water logged.
Hardiness: Hardy to -25°C.
Exposure: Semi-shade to full sun.
Plantation density: 9 / m².

Properties and uses:
This grass with golden leaves is used to great effect whether planted in the garden or in containers. Planted in number within a flowerbed it creates a beautiful golden background which enhances the colours of other plants and flowers.

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