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Perennial plants : Buy Perennial plants OnLine

Planfor.co.ukoffers you a very large choice of perennial plants ! An ideal selection of flowers and foliage to help you create and realize unique, gardens’ sceneries.

200 reference(s) - - 1 page(s)


Achira, Indian shot

22.95 € - 24.50 € 

African lily Blue

2.95 € - 10.50 € 

African lily 'Enigma'

3.75 € - 6.25 € 

African lily 'Purple Cloud'

4.25 € - 6.25 € 


African lily 'Queen Mum'

4.25 € - 6.25 € 

African lily White

3.24 € - 10.50 € 

Alum root 'Berry smoothie'

5.45 € - 7.90 € 

Alum root 'Black beauty'

5.45 € - 6.50 € 


Alum root 'Caramel'

5.75 € - 7.90 € 

Alum root 'Citronnelle'

6.45 € - 8.50 € 

Alum root 'Golden Zebra'

6.45 € - 8.50 € 

Alum root 'Marmalade'

5.75 € - 7.90 € 


Alum root 'Melting Fire'

2.95 € - 6.50 € 

Alum root 'Midnight rose'

5.75 € - 7.90 € 

Alum root 'Pluie de feu'

3.45 € - 4.55 € 

Alum root 'Plum royale'

3.95 € - 4.55 € 


Alum root 'Stoplight'

6.45 € - 8.50 € 

Anemone, Japanese Dark Pink

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Anemone, Japanese Pink

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Anemone, Japanese White

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Angel's fishing rod, hair bell

2.25 € - 4.55 € 

Astilbe Pink

2.44 € - 4.55 € 

Astilbe Red

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Astilbe White

2.25 € - 4.55 € 


Aztec Sweet Herb

2.95 € - 4.95 € 

Barren Strawberry

2.75 € - 4.95 € 

Bedding Pansy 'Molly Sanderson'

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Bellflower, Chimney Blue

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Bellflower, Chimney White

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Bellflower, Violet Wall

2.45 € - 5.95 € 


3.95 € - 6.50 € 

Blackberry Lily

2.45 € - 4.95 € 


Bleeding heart

1.95 € - 4.55 € 

Bleeding Heart 'Alba'

2.15 € - 4.55 € 

Bleeding Heart 'Gold'

6.35 € - 7.35 € 

Bleeding Heart 'Valentine'

4.95 € - 6.50 € 


Bugbane 'Atropurpurea'

3.95 € - 6.95 € 

Bugbane 'Brunette'

3.95 € - 6.95 € 

Bugbane 'White Pearl'

5.95 € - 6.95 € 

Bugle Lily, Orange

5.95 € 


Bugle Lily, Pink

3.45 € - 5.45 € 

Bushy Aster, Blue

2.45 € - 3.95 € 

Bushy Aster, Pink

2.45 € - 3.95 € 

Bushy Aster, Purple

2.45 € - 3.95 € 


Bushy Aster, Red

2.45 € - 3.95 € 

Bushy Aster, White

2.45 € - 3.95 € 


12.45 € - 13.50 € 

Coneflower 'Cheyenne Spirit'

2.05 € - 4.55 € 


Coneflower 'Green Envy'

3.95 € - 5.45 € 

Coneflower 'Green Twister'

4.95 € - 7.50 € 

Coneflower Orange

3.75 € - 5.45 € 

Coneflower Pink

3.75 € - 7.50 € 


Coneflower, Purple

2.05 € - 4.55 € 

Coneflower Red

4.45 € - 6.50 € 

Coneflower 'Secret Romance'

5.85 € - 7.50 € 

Coneflower Yellow

2.05 € - 4.55 € 


Coralberry, Hancock Chenault

1.95 € - 3.80 € 

Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox bicolor

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox Blue

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox Mauve

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox Pink

2.45 € - 5.95 € 

Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox Red

2.45 € - 9.50 € 

Creeping Phlox, Moss Phlox White

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Curcumin, Turmeric

7.95 € - 8.95 € 

Daylily, Orange

2.45 € - 3.95 € 

Daylily, Pink

2.45 € - 3.95 € 

Daylily, Red

2.95 € - 3.95 € 


Daylily, Yellow

2.45 € - 3.95 € 

Delphinium 'Bellamosum'

2.25 € - 4.55 € 

Delphinium 'Casa Blanca'

2.25 € - 4.55 € 

Delphinium 'Cliveden Beauty'

2.25 € - 4.55 € 


Dianthus Pink

2.25 € - 3.95 € 

Dianthus Red

2.25 € - 3.95 € 

Dianthus Salmon Pink

2.25 € - 3.95 € 

Dianthus White

2.25 € - 3.95 € 


False Dittany

2.75 € - 4.95 € 

Fuchsia 'Blue Sarah'

2.25 € - 4.55 € 

Fuchsia 'Champion'

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Fuchsia 'Lady Thumb'

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Fuchsia 'Madame Cornelissen'

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Fuchsia 'Shrimp Cocktail'

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Fuchsia 'Tom Thumb'

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Fuchsia 'White King'

2.95 € - 4.95 € 


Gaura Lindheimeri Pink

2.75 € - 6.95 € 

Gaura Lindheimeri Red

2.75 € - 6.95 € 

Gaura lindheimeri White

2.75 € - 7.50 € 

Geranium 'Ann Folkard'

4.45 € - 6.50 € 


Geranium 'Dusky Crûg'

3.25 € - 4.55 € 

Geranium, Johnson Blue

2.25 € - 4.55 € 

Geranium, Nimbus

3.45 € - 5.50 € 

Geranium, Rozanne

4.95 € - 6.95 € 


Geranium, Russel Prichard

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Geranium 'Samobor'

2.95 € - 4.55 € 

Geranium, sanguineum 'Album'

2.75 € - 4.55 € 

Geranium, Tiny Monster

2.25 € - 4.55 € 


Gunnera Magellanica

3.95 € - 5.50 € 

Gypsophila, Creeping

1.45 € - 4.20 € 

Gypsophila, Pink Creeping

1.95 € - 4.20 € 

Heath, Cape flats

5.95 € - 7.50 € 


Heath, Cornish

3.69 € - 5.74 € 

Heath, Corsican, Upright

3.69 € - 7.50 € 

Heather, Pink

2.49 € - 6.50 € 

Heather, Purple

2.99 € - 6.50 € 


Heather, Red

2.99 € - 6.50 € 

Heather, White

2.29 € - 6.50 € 

Heather, Yellow

2.49 € - 6.50 € 

Heath Pearlwort Lawn

1.95 € - 4.75 € 


Heath, Winter Pink

2.29 € - 13.50 € 

Heath, Winter Red

2.29 € - 13.50 € 

Heath, Winter White

2.29 € - 6.50 € 


5.95 € - 15.95 € 


Hosta 'Carnival'

3.25 € - 4.95 € 

Hosta 'Devon Green'

3.25 € - 4.95 € 

Hosta 'Francee'

3.25 € - 4.95 € 

Hosta 'Guacamole'

3.25 € - 4.95 € 


Hosta 'Halcyon'

3.25 € - 4.95 € 

Japanese Hardy Ginger

7.95 € - 24.50 € 

Japanese water Iris, Blue

4.45 € - 5.95 € 


Japanese water Iris 'Dainagon'

4.45 € - 5.95 € 

Japanese water Iris, Purple

4.45 € - 5.95 € 

Japanese water Iris, White

4.45 € - 5.95 € 


Labrador Violet

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Lavatera 'Barnsley'

2.95 € - 4.55 € 

Lavatera 'Bredon Spring'

3.65 € - 4.95 € 

Lavatera 'Burgundy Wine'

3.65 € - 4.95 € 


Lavatera 'Ice Cool'

3.65 € - 4.95 € 

Lavatera 'Kew Rose'

3.65 € - 4.95 € 

Lavatera 'Princesse de Ligne'

3.65 € - 4.95 € 

Lavender, Butterfly

2.15 € - 4.55 € 


Lavender, common

1.95 € - 6.50 € 

Lavender, French

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Lavender 'Grosso'

2.25 € - 4.55 € 

Lavender Pink

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Lavender White

2.35 € - 4.55 € 

Lily of the valley, Pink

3.45 € - 5.95 € 

Lily of the valley, White

2.75 € - 5.25 € 


8.95 € - 27.50 € 


Liquorice, Yunnan

5.95 € - 7.50 € 

Marshmallow Root

2.55 € - 5.50 € 

Masterwort Pink

3.45 € - 5.50 € 

Masterwort Red

3.45 € - 5.50 € 


Masterwort White

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Mat Daisy, Vegetable sheep

2.75 € - 4.55 € 

New Zealand Moss, Knawel Cushion

2.55 € - 4.75 € 


Oriental Poppy Orange

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Oriental Poppy Pink

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Oriental Poppy Red

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Oriental Poppy White

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Oyster plant, Oyster leaf

4.95 € - 7.45 € 

Peony 'Aztec'

10.95 € - 11.50 € 

Peony 'Blush Queen'

10.95 € - 11.50 € 


Peony 'Bowl of Beauty'

6.95 € - 14.50 € 

Peony 'Felix Crousse'

10.95 € - 11.50 € 

Peony 'Felix Supreme'

10.95 € - 11.50 € 

Peony 'Laura Dessert'

11.50 € 


Peony 'Mme Calot'

11.50 € 

Peony 'Reine Hortense'

12.95 € - 13.50 € 

Periwinkle, Dwarf Blue

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Periwinkle, Dwarf White

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Potentilla, 'Danny Boy'

3.05 € - 5.25 € 

Potentilla, Orange

2.55 € - 5.94 € 

Potentilla, Pink

2.55 € - 5.95 € 

Potentilla, White

2.55 € - 5.95 € 


Potentilla, Yellow

2.55 € - 5.95 € 

Raspberry, Japanese Strawberry

4.45 € - 6.95 € 

Red Peony

13.95 € - 15.50 € 

Red Valerian

2.75 € - 4.55 € 



3.95 € - 5.50 € 

Sage, Violette de Loire ® 'barsal'

2.45 € - 10.50 € 

Sedge 'Aurea'

3.85 € - 5.55 € 

Sedge 'Evergold'

1.85 € - 7.50 € 


Sedge 'Frosted Curls'

2.35 € - 7.50 € 

Snowberry, common

1.95 € - 3.80 € 

Snowberry 'Magic Berry'

2.95 € - 4.55 € 


Spring container 'Spring Pink Fairy'

23.40 € - 45.95 € 

Strawberry Clover

1.95 € - 4.55 € 

Sweet Violet 'Coeur d'Alsace'

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Sweet Violet 'Parme de Toulouse'

1.95 € - 4.55 € 

Sweet Violet White

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Toad Lily

3.45 € - 5.50 € 

Vervain, Common

2.25 € - 4.55 € 


Violet, Heartthrob

2.95 € - 4.95 € 

White Coneflower

2.05 € - 9.50 € 

White Peony

6.95 € - 11.50 € 

White Trailing Bellflower

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


White Valerian

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Yarrow, Crithmium-leaved

2.05 € - 4.55 € 

Yarrow, orange

2.25 € - 6.50 € 

Yarrow, pink

2.26 € - 6.50 € 


Yarrow, red

2.25 € - 4.55 € 

Yarrow, Summer Pastels

2.25 € - 4.55 € 

Yarrow, white

2.25 € - 4.55 € 

Yarrow, yellow

2.25 € - 4.55 € 


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