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Maple, silver 'Laciniatum Wieri'   /   Acer saccharinum Laciniatum Wieri

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Description: Maple, silver 'Laciniatum Wieri'

Silver Maple 'laciniatum wieri' - Acer saccharinum 'Laciniatum wieri' (latin)

Geographical origin: East of Northern America.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 30 m, spread up to 20 m.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Deep and moist. Also thrives in grounds which are waterlogged in winter.
Climate: Hardy to -32°C.
Site: Full sun.

Characteristics and uses:
The Silver Maple 'Laciniatum wieri' has superb, unusual foliage. Its light green, highly indented leaves are silvery white beneath, turning yellow-orange then red in the autumn. Its weeping branches are an attractive feature of this fast growing tree.
For a great effect, grow the Silver Maple on its own or aligned.

See the Maples catalogue

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