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Oak, Chestnut   /   Quercus prinus, Quercus montana

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Description: Oak, Chestnut

Chestnut Oak - Quercus prinus, Quercus montana (latin)

Geographical origins: Mountains of Northern America.
Adult size: Height up to 30m (sometimes 40), spread up to 20m.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Any.
Climate: Hardy to -34°C.
Site: Full sun.

Characteristics and uses:
The Chestnut Oak stands out with its remarkable, highly cracked, dark grey-brown bark. Its leaves look like the Yellow Oak tree leaves and its branches start generally quite low. It belongs to the White Oaks family and its dark, hard wood is only used if it grows in the right conditions. On the American continent, it is also called Rock Oak. This comes from the fact that it could even grow on rocks.
Plant it on its own, as a specimen tree, in the garden.

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