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Palm, Hawaian   /   Brighamia insignis

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Description: Palm, Hawaian

Hawaian Palm, Brighamia - Brighamia insignis (latin)
Indoor plant

Recommended temperature: 15 to 22°C. The plant dies below 10°C.
Hygrometry: Withstands humid to dry atmosphere.
Site: Full light, protected from direct sunrays.
Geographical origins: Hawaii, at the volcanoes foot.

Properties and uses:
The Hawaiian Palm, or Brighamia, is not a true palm, but a succulent plant.
It is a critically endangered specie in its natural habitat and is the subject of a vast conservation program: each cultivated plant is therefore another chance to save this specie from extinction.
It has large, shiny leaves and flowers in winter. Its blossom is slightly scented.

Looking after advice:

The Brighamia living on volcanic soil, it is therefore important to mix in a good dose of volcanic soil, sand or if not available clay marbles to the compost.
- Water regularly but moderately, the compost needing to be moist but not humid.
- In winter, reduce watering.
- You can also spray water on its foliage is the air is too hot and dry.
- In summer only: Give the plant fertilizer twice a month, in small doses.
- A repoting can be done in the spring, in free draining compost adapted to succulents.

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Soil and Compost

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