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Bulbs to plant in autumn

85 reference(s) - - 1 page(s)

Allium Albopilosum Christophii

3.60 € - 6.05 € 

Allium Amplectens

3.50 € - 6.90 € 

Allium 'Gladiator'

4.50 € - 5.95 € 


Allium 'Mars'

5.30 € - 7.65 € 

Allium stipitatum 'Mount Everest'

4.50 € - 5.95 € 

Amaryllis, Orange, single

8.00 € - 10.95 € 


Amaryllis 'Red Lion', single

8.00 € - 10.95 € 

Crocus 'Grand Maitre'

4.50 € - 7.90 € 


Crocus 'Jeanne d'Arc'

4.50 € - 7.90 € 

Crocus, mixed

4.50 € - 7.90 € 

Crocus 'Pickwick'

4.50 € - 7.90 € 

Crocus 'Remmerbranche'

4.50 € - 7.90 € 


Crocus Saffron - Crocus Sativa

5.00 € - 8.50 € 

Crocus Vernus white blue mix

4.90 € - 6.90 € 

Crocus, yellow flower

4.50 € - 7.90 € 

Daffodil 'Barret Browning'

4.75 € - 7.25 € 


Daffodil, botanical Mix

9.99 € - 11.90 € 

Daffodil 'Carlton'

4.75 € - 7.25 € 

Daffodil Dwarf 'Minnow'

4.25 € - 7.90 € 

Daffodil 'Geranium'

5.10 € - 7.10 € 


Daffodil 'Ice Follies'

4.75 € - 7.25 € 

Daffodil 'Mount Hood'

4.75 € - 7.25 € 

Daffodils, Double 'Macaron Bloss'

9.95 € - 12.95 € 

Daffodils, Mixed

4.90 € - 7.90 € 


Daffodils, Mixed, Double

4.75 € - 7.25 € 

Daffodils, Yellow trumpet-shaped

9.99 € - 11.90 € 

Daffodil Tenby

4.90 € - 6.90 € 

Daffodil 'Tκte ΰ tκte'

5.90 € - 7.90 € 


Freesia Double Mixed

3.10 € - 5.15 € 

Freesia Mixed

2.95 € - 4.85 € 

Hyacinth 'Anne Marie'

5.95 € - 7.95 € 

Hyacinth 'Carnegie'

6.25 € - 7.90 € 


Hyacinth 'Gipsy Queen'

6.25 € - 7.90 € 

Hyacinth 'Jan Bos'

6.25 € - 7.90 € 

Hyacinth 'Marie'

6.25 € - 7.90 € 


Hyacinths, Mixed

5.50 € - 9.95 € 

Hyacinths, Pastel Mixed

5.10 € - 7.50 € 

Iris, Mix

4.50 € - 6.50 € 

Iris Reticulata - Netted Iris

4.75 € - 7.50 € 


Tulip Darwin hybrid 'Apeldoorn'

4.99 € - 7.50 € 


Tulip Darwin hybrid, Mixed

5.05 € - 7.35 € 

Tulip Darwin hybrid 'Parade'

5.55 € - 8.05 € 




Tulip Fosteriana 'Albert Heijn'

5.30 € - 7.35 € 

Tulip Fosteriana 'Orange Emperor'

5.50 € - 7.80 € 


Tulip Fosteriana 'Purissima'

4.95 € - 6.95 € 

Tulip Greigii, Mixed

11.50 € - 14.50 € 

Tulip Lacy, Mixed

5.00 € - 8.00 € 


Tulip Late flowering 'Helmar'

4.95 € - 6.95 € 

Tulip Late flowering 'Kingsblood'

5.50 € - 8.50 € 

Tulip Late flowering 'Menton'

5.30 € - 7.35 € 


Tulip Late flowering 'Shirley'

5.50 € - 8.50 € 

Tulip 'Macaron' Mix

8.25 € - 9.95 € 

Tulip Parrott 'Black Parrot'

6.50 € - 8.50 € 

Tulip Parrott 'Fantasy'

6.75 € - 8.95 € 


Tulip Parrott, Mixed

5.55 € - 8.10 € 

Tulip Triumph 'Calgary'

5.50 € - 8.50 € 

Tulip Triumph 'Carnaval de Rio'

5.95 € - 9.50 € 

Tulip Triumph 'Don Quixote'

5.50 € - 8.00 € 


Tulip Triumph 'Leen van der Mark'

5.50 € - 8.99 € 

Tulip Triumph, Mixed

9.50 € - 16.25 € 

Tulip Triumph 'Negrita'

5.00 € - 7.99 € 

Tulip Triumph 'Page Polka'

5.50 € - 8.99 € 


Tulip Viridiflora, Mixed

6.50 € - 10.25 € 


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Pιpiniθres PLANFOR
1950 Route de Cθre
Tel : (020).7660.0178