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Sculptural Plants : Buy Sculptural Plants Online

Sculptural plants are plants which aspect presents an architectural interest. These sculptural plants are either planted on their own in the garden or in flowerpots. Just like sculptures, these plants will create a focal point in your garden, helping you to personalise your outdoor spaces...

116 reference(s) - - 1 page(s)


Agave, Mountain

5.95 € - 26.95 € 

Ball Box-leaved

19.45 € - 38.50 € 

Banana, Dwarf Cavendish

7.45 € - 20.95 € 

Baobab Specimen

169.00 € - 620.00 € 


Barred Horsetail

3.45 € - 11.50 € 

Bellflower, Chimney White

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Birch, Young’s Weeping

15.45 € - 89.95 € 

Bottlebrush, Laevis

2.95 € - 21.50 € 


Bottlebrush, Little John

2.95 € - 5.50 € 

Bottlebrush, Pink

2.95 € - 24.50 € 


2.95 € - 5.50 € 

Bottlebrush, Yellow

2.95 € - 5.50 € 


Box, ball

14.95 € - 49.50 € 

Box Cone Box Pyramid

37.95 € - 104.50 € 

Box-leaved Holly 'Jenny'

1.95 € - 3.95 € 

Box Topiary Box Spiral

84.50 € - 154.50 € 


Buckthorn, Alder 'Fine Line'

6.95 € - 34.50 € 

Bugle Lily, Orange

5.95 € 

Bugle Lily, Pink

3.45 € - 5.45 € 

Cedar, Lebanon

1.95 € - 132.50 € 


Cedar, Weeping Blue Atlas

95.50 € - 129.50 € 

Cloud Pruned Box-leaved

245.00 € - 315.00 € 


Cocos Palm, Queen Palm

69.50 € - 74.50 € 


6.95 € - 19.50 € 

Cordyline, pink

6.95 € - 35.50 € 

Cordyline 'Red Star'

4.45 € - 25.50 € 


Cordyline 'Torbay dazzler'

6.45 € - 29.50 € 

Crassula ovata Hobbit

5.95 € - 7.50 € 

Crassula ovata Minor

2.95 € - 7.50 € 

Cypress, Italian Pencil

9.95 € - 104.50 € 


Distylium 'Blue Cascade'

3.25 € - 19.50 € 

Dogwood, Hong Kong

38.95 € - 84.50 € 

Eucalyptus gunnii 'France Bleu'

10.95 € - 74.50 € 


False Cypress, Sawara Boulevard

2.45 € - 13.50 € 

Fern, Dicksonia Antarctica Tree

4.95 € - 24.50 € 

Filao tree, Australian Pine tree

59.50 € - 64.50 € 


Flax, New Zealand 'Apricot Queen'

21.45 € - 24.50 € 

Flax, New Zealand 'Jester'

7.45 € - 21.50 € 

Flax, New Zealand 'Rainbow Queen'

7.45 € - 26.95 € 

Flax, purple New Zealand

3.45 € - 11.50 € 


Flax, Variegated New Zealand

19.95 € - 21.45 € 

Fuji Cherry 'Kojo No Mai'

4.45 € - 24.50 € 

Ginkgo, Dwarf 'Mariken'

12.95 € - 52.50 € 

Ginkgo 'fastigiata Blagon'

15.95 € - 114.50 € 


Grass, Japanese

3.95 € - 8.95 € 

Grass, Japanese 'All gold'

4.25 € - 9.50 € 

Grass, Japanese 'Aureola'

3.75 € - 8.95 € 

Grass, Japanese 'Beni kaze'

5.95 € - 8.95 € 


Hibiscus Blue

4.95 € - 17.50 € 

Hibiscus, Hamabo

4.95 € - 17.50 € 

Hibiscus Pink

7.95 € - 17.50 € 


Hibiscus Red Heart

8.95 € - 17.50 € 

Hibiscus White

14.95 € - 21.50 € 

Hickory, Shagbark, Shellbark

6.95 € - 19.50 € 

Holly, Box-leaved 'Dark Green'

3.50 € - 16.50 € 


Hornbeam 'Fastigiata'

7.95 € - 64.50 € 


32.95 € - 34.50 € 

Japanese Snowball bush

3.44 € - 29.50 € 

Kentucky Coffee Tree

7.95 € - 89.50 € 


Larch, Japanese Weeping

76.95 € - 81.50 € 

Laurel, bay

2.35 € - 69.50 € 

Laurel, bay Standard

47.95 € - 64.50 € 

Magnolia 'G้nie'

12.95 € - 64.50 € 


Maple, Japanese

2.25 € - 13.50 € 

Maple, Japanese 'Arakawa'

13.99 € - 24.50 € 

Maple, Japanese 'Atropurpureum'

6.45 € - 28.50 € 

Maple, Japanese 'Bloodgood'

11.95 € - 99.50 € 


Maple, Japanese 'Butterfly'

9.95 € - 31.50 € 

Maple, Japanese 'Deshojo'

14.95 € - 99.50 € 

Maple, Japanese 'Dissectum garnet'

9.45 € - 31.50 € 


Maple, Japanese 'Koto no ito'

14.95 € - 32.50 € 

Maple, Japanese 'Orange Dream'

9.95 € - 89.50 € 

Maple, Japanese 'Ornatum'

12.45 € - 14.50 € 

Mexican grass tree

24.95 € - 27.50 € 


Monkey puzzle tree

10.95 € - 37.50 € 

Oak, cypress

17.95 € - 104.50 € 


Olive Tree Bonsa๏

29.50 € 

Olive Tree Specimen

225.00 € - 1005.00 € 

Olive Tree Standard

19.45 € - 114.50 € 


Ornamental Cabbage

4.44 € - 6.50 € 

Palm, Bismarck

185.00 € 

Palm, Canary Island Date

9.95 € - 94.50 € 

Palm, Dwarf fan

4.95 € - 154.50 € 


Palm, Skyduster

9.45 € - 209.50 € 

Palm, windmill

4.95 € - 209.50 € 

Paper Bush, Red flower

31.95 € - 34.50 € 

Paper Bush, Yellow flower

7.45 € - 39.50 € 


Pine, Japanese black

3.45 € - 39.50 € 

Privet, Japanese

2.45 € - 59.50 € 

Sago Cycad

14.95 € - 99.50 € 


Silk tree 'Chocolate Fountain'

13.95 € - 15.50 € 

Silver Grass, Evergreen

3.95 € - 5.95 € 

Silver Grass, Variegated Chinese

3.95 € - 5.95 € 

Spindle Tree, Japanese

2.75 € - 59.50 € 


Spring container 'Spring Blue Lady'

20.95 € - 74.00 € 

Strawberry tree Specimen

235.00 € - 275.00 € 


Swiss Cheese Plant

14.95 € - 39.50 € 

Tamarisk, Summer Pink

2.45 € - 19.50 € 

Tamarisk, Summer White

2.95 € - 21.50 € 

Wedding Cake Tree

9.45 € - 23.95 € 


Willow, Contorted

4.45 € - 69.50 € 

Willow, weeping

5.95 € - 79.50 € 

Yucca rostrata, Beaked Yucca

9.45 € - 29.50 € 


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