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Pygmy Date Palm   /   Phoenix roebelenii

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Everything about: Pygmy Date Palm

Pygmy Date Palm - Phoenix roebelenii (latin)

Geographical origins: Along the Mekong, Laos and Thailand.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 3 m, spread up to 2 m.
Foliage: Evergreen.
Type of soil: Any, wet to partially flooded, ideal grown on the edges of water spots.
Climate:Not very hardy, tolerates short periods of frost of up to -5°C.
Site: Full sun.

Properties and uses:
The Pygmy Date Palm is a highly original dwarf Palm tree. Its very thin trunk is topped by a superb crown of palm leaves. It produces small, 1cm long, edible dates, which contain a small seed of approximately 5mm. The male and female flowers develop on different plants so you need to plant several specimens in the hope of getting a harvest.

The Pygmy Date Palm thrives outdoor in a moist to wet soil, or planted along the sides of water spots, in mild-winters areas. It tolerates light frost if it does not last over a long period of time. It can be protected with a winter fleece and by mulching its base as a preventative measure.

The Pygmy Date Palm thrives also indoors. In order to keep its good looks, it is important to provide it with enough humidity and to place it near a window so it gets sufficient amount of sunshine. The stress caused by a change of environment can lead to the loss of a few leaves. Therefore, avoid moving it about as much as possible.

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