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Nashi or Asian Pear   /   Pyrus pyrifolia

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Buy: Nashi or Asian Pear


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Description: Nashi or Asian Pear

Nashi, Asian Pear - Pyrus pyrifolia (latin)

Geographic origin: Temperate regions of the Far East.
Adult size: Height up to 5 metres.
Foliage: Deciduous.
Type of soil: Light and deep.
Climate: Hardy to -15°C.
Position: Full sun.
Pollinators: Pear 'Williams'.

Properties and uses:
Nashi is the Japanese word for pear. This tree is closely related to the pear tree. It produces fruits called Nashis, which have the shape of an apple and a taste very similar to that of a pear. They are crunchy and juicy. They are harvested when ripe from August onwards.

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The different varieties:
Nashi 'Chojuro': the shape of the Asian Pear 'Chojuro' is slightly flattened. The sweet pulp has an excellent taste. The harvest is quite late, the fruit being ripe by mid to late September.
Nashi 'Hosui': The nashi 'Hosui' has a brown skin, a juicy texture and reaches maturity mid-August/Early September.
Nashi 'Kosui': The Nashi 'Kosui' is the most widespread Nashi in Japan. It produces large, round fruits which have a reddish-brown skin, a white, juicy, flavoursome flesh and reach maturity at the end of August.
Nashi 'Shinseiki': The Nashi 'Shinseiki' is round , with a smooth greenish-yellow skin and sweet and juicy flesh. It reaches maturity beginning of August.

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