Home > Plants > Pilea, Chinese Money plant

Pilea, Chinese Money plant   /   Pilea peperomioides

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Buy: Pilea, Chinese Money plant

Ref Description € Inc Tax Buy Availability
7897T Pilea, Chinese Money Plant
Plant grown in container - Container Diameter 13/14 cm
15.50 Available
7897U Pilea, Chinese Money Plant
Plant grown in container - Container Diameter 13/14 cm
Unit price available starting from 3 units purchased.
14.95 Available
7897V Pilea, Chinese Money Plant
Plant grown in container - Container Diameter 13/14 cm
Unit price available starting from 10 units purchased.
13.95 Available
7897J Pilea, Chinese Money Plant
Plant grown in container - Container Diameter 5,5 cm
5.50 Available
7897K Pilea, Chinese Money Plant
Plant grown in container - Container Diameter 5,5 cm
Unit price available starting from 3 units purchased.
4.95 Available
7897L Pilea, Chinese Money Plant
Plant grown in container - Container Diameter 5,5 cm
Unit price available starting from 10 units purchased.
4.45 Available


Pictures of:  Pilea, Chinese Money plant


Everything about: Pilea, Chinese Money plant

Pilea, The Chinese Money plant - Pilea peperomioides (latin)
Indoor plant

Recommended temperature: from 12 to 22°C.
Hygrometry: moist atmosphere.
Soil type: Light and well-drained
Exposure: bright indirect light.
Native area: China.

Properties and uses:
The Pilea is a small attractive houseplant. It has thick, coin-shaped, slightly dropping leaves. The offshoots generally appear at the top of the plant.

Looking after advice:

The Pilea needs light.
Ideally place your Pilea in a room which receives bright indirect light.
Water moderately, and allow the soil to dry out between waterings.
Place some clay pebbles or small stones in the bottom of the pot, to avoid stagnant water.
Plan yearly repotting in the spring, upgrading the pot size.

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