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Gardenia 'Celestial Star'   /   Gardenia jasminoides Celestial Star

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Buy: Gardenia 'Celestial Star'

Ref Description € Inc Tax Buy Availability
8230J Gardenia 'Celestial Star'
Photo available
Plant grown in 3 liters pot - Height of plant: 20/30 cm.
24.50 Available
8230K Gardenia 'Celestial Star'
Plant grown in 3 liters pot - Height of plant: 20/30 cm - Height of plant: 20/30 cm.
Unit price available starting from 2 units purchased.
23.95 Available
8230L Special Offer - 15%
Gardenia 'Celestial Star'
Plant grown in 3 liters pot - Height of plant: 20/30 cm.
20.82 Available
8230M Gardenia 'Celestial Star'
Young plug plant – Height of plant: 10/15 cm.
9.50 Available
8230N Gardenia 'Celestial Star'
Young plug plant – Height of plant: 10/15 cm.
Unit price available starting from 3 units purchased.
8.95 Available
8230P Gardenia 'Celestial Star'
Young plug plant – Height of plant: 10/15 cm.
Unit price available starting from 10 units purchased.
7.95 Available
8230MB Special Offer - 20%
Gardenia 'Celestial Star'
Young plug plant – Height of plant: 10/15 cm.
7.60 Available
8230Q Gardenia 'Celestial Star'
Young plug plant – Height of plant: 10/15 cm.
Unit price available starting from 25 units purchased.
7.45 Available
8230A FERTILISER – Fertiliser tablet to place at the bottom of the hole before planting. Slow release over 7 to 8 months. Only 1 tablet in each hole. 0.40 Available


Pictures of:  Gardenia 'Celestial Star'


Everything about: Gardenia 'Celestial Star'

Gardenia 'Celestial Star' - Gardenia jasminoides 'Celestial Star' (latin)

Geographical origin: Horticulture.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 1.20m, spread up to 1m.
Foliage: Evergreen.
Type of soil: Acid, moist and well drained.
Climate: Hardy up to -10°C. Can be grown outdoors only in mild-winters' areas.
Site: Partial shade to full sun.

Characteristics and uses:
The Gardenia Jasminoides Celestial Star® (Cape Jasmine) is well-known for its cold hardiness and can be planted in open ground in regions with a mild winter. In harsh winter areas, it grows best in pots and can be wintered in a room with no heating or in a conservatory.
Prune the plant at the end of winter to promote a compact growth, and at the end of summer cut off the faded flowers. The Gardenia Jasminoides Celestial Star® offers an abundant, highly fragrant blooming in spring and during all summer. Keep the soil moist all summer to guarantee a beautiful blossoming.

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