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Rose 'Chabadabada'   /   Rosa Chabadabada

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Description: Rose 'Chabadabada'

Rose 'Chabadabada' - Rosa 'Chabadabada' (latin)

Breeder: Kordes

Blossom: Continual flowering.
Flower diameter: 4 cm.
Fragrance: light, melliferous.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 70 cm.
Foliage: Deciduous.

Type of soil: Riche and well-drained, avoid limey soil
Climate: Hardy.
Site: Full sun.
Planting spacing: 3 plant/m²

Properties and uses:
The 'Chabadabada'® Rose blooms continuously from May to October, in a multitude of small bright pink flowers which are very decorative. The Chabadabada Rose is a deciduous bush with glossy green leaves, disease resistant and not demanding in care.
This rose can be planted in a flowerbed, but it can also adapt to being in a pot, on a balcony or near flowerbeds.
In addition to being disease resistant and particularly decorative and elegant, this rose is also melliferous and attracts pollinator insects, improving the spreading of pollen.

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