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Lime, Finger Brown River   /   Citrus wintersii

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Description: Lime, Finger Brown River

Brown River Finger Lime - Citrus wintersii (latin)

Geographical origin: Papua New Guinea.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 7m.
Foliage: Evergreen.
Type of soil: Moist to wet, rich and well-drained.
Climate: Hardy up to -5°C.
Site: Full sun.

Characteristics and uses:
The Brown River Finger Lime’s leaves are narrowly lanceolate, and the foliage is dense and hardy. The long, thin fruit is pointed at both ends and stays green even after ripping. The pulp is made of many transparent, juicy, and crunchy pearls similar to caviar by their size and texture.
The name ‘Citrus wintersii’ is a tribute to Harold F. Winters, the scientist who first described this plant around 1970.

Papua finger lime: More compact form of lemon caviar, narrow foliage, cylindrical fruits 5 to 8 cm in length. Very fragrant flesh.

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