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Pearlbush, common   /   Exochorda racemosa

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Everything about: Pearlbush, common

Pearlbush - Exochorda racemosa, exochorda grandiflora (latin)

Area of origin: China.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 3 m (9.8'), width up to 1.5m (4.9').
Foliage: Deciduous, covered with light down.
Soil Type: Dislikes lime.
Hardiness: Tolerant to -15°C.
Exposure: Shade to full sun.

Properties and uses:
This magnificent shrub is very graceful and little known for its amazing springtime flowering. The large white flowers are reminiscent of apples and pears with their light fruity scent. The little pale green leaves take on a beautiful tint of yellow in the autumn, Planted alone or within a flowerbed or hedge this lovely shrub brings colour and perfume to the garden.

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