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Buy: Calathea, green and white foliage


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Description: Calathea, green and white foliage

Calathea, Rattlesnake plant - Calathea (latin)
Indoor plant

Recommended temperature: 12 to 22°C.
Hygrometry: Humid atmosphere.
Soil: Acidic, rich and well drained.
Site: Low light, away from windows.
Geographical origins: South America.

Characteristics and Uses:
The calathea 'Shinestar' has surprising foliage, finely striated with white and a crimson back.

It has very few enemies:

The Calathea needs humidity.
- Place under its pot a saucer filled with clay marbles, which need to stay constantly humid.
- Do not hesitate to spray water on its foliage if the air becomes dry.
- Ideally, place it in a darker room and avoid placing it in direct sunrays.
- Water with moderation, and let the soil getting dry between watering.
- In the spring and the summer, every fortnight, give it a liquid fertilizer especially suited to green plants.
- Expect and foresee an annual repoting, to be done in the spring into a slightly bigger pot.
- After a few years, a surfacing should replace one every other repoting.

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