Home > Plants > Summersweet Pink Spire

Summersweet Pink Spire   /   Clethra alnifolia Pink Spire

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Description: Summersweet Pink Spire

‘Pink Spire’ Summersweet, 'Pink Spire' Sweet Pepperbush - Clethra alnifolia 'Pink Spire' (latin)

Area of origin : North America.
Adult Dimensions : height up to 2m (6.6'), width up to 1m (3.3').
Foliage : Deciduous.
Soil Type : All, but avoid too much lime.
Hardiness : Hardy to -25°C.
Exposure : Semi-shade.

Properties and uses:
This little shrub with bright green leaves brightens up the garden with magnificent yellow leaves in spring. The flowers which change from white to pink from August to September perfume the garden with an intoxicating scent. Used in hedges and also planted alone.

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