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Which plants to have flowers in winter planters ?

Discover our selection of rustic and decorative plants for your winter planters. Create your own compositions and give color to your balconies and terraces

72 reference(s) - - 1 page(s)


Alum root 'Berry smoothie'

5.45 € - 7.90 € 

Alum root 'Black beauty'

5.45 € - 6.50 € 

Alum root 'Caramel'

5.75 € - 7.90 € 

Alum root 'Citronnelle'

6.45 € - 8.50 € 


Alum root 'Golden Zebra'

6.45 € - 8.50 € 

Alum root 'Marmalade'

5.75 € - 7.90 € 

Alum root 'Melting Fire'

2.95 € - 6.50 € 

Alum root 'Midnight rose'

5.75 € - 7.90 € 


Alum root 'Pluie de feu'

3.45 € - 4.55 € 

Alum root 'Plum royale'

3.95 € - 4.55 € 

Alum root 'Stoplight'

6.45 € - 8.50 € 

Arborvitae, Oriental Aurea Nana

3.95 € - 14.50 € 


Azara microphylla

3.45 € - 4.90 € 

Bamboo dwarf, heavenly Fire P.

2.95 € - 9.50 € 

Black Lilyturf

3.75 € - 7.95 € 

Box, ball

14.95 € - 49.50 € 


Box-leaved Holly 'Jenny'

1.95 € - 3.95 € 

Christmas Rose

2.45 € - 16.50 € 

Cypress, Lawson 'Columnaris Glauca'

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Cypress, Lawson 'Ellwoodii'

2.45 € - 59.50 € 

Cypress, Lawson 'Ellwood's Gold'

11.95 € - 13.50 € 

Eastern Teaberry

3.95 € - 5.95 € 

False Cypress, Sawara Boulevard

2.45 € - 13.50 € 


Forsythia, Border

3.25 € - 7.95 € 

Heath, Winter Pink

2.29 € - 13.50 € 

Heath, Winter Red

2.29 € - 13.50 € 


Heath, Winter White

2.29 € - 6.50 € 

Holly, Alaska

2.95 € - 16.50 € 

Holly, Box-leaved 'Dark Green'

3.50 € - 16.50 € 

Holly, Box-leaved 'Green Hedge'

2.45 € - 5.50 € 


Holly, 'Red Tips'

8.45 € - 9.50 € 

Ivy Bellecour

2.85 € - 9.50 € 

Ivy, common

1.65 € - 4.55 € 

Ivy 'Elegantissima'

2.75 € - 4.55 € 


Ivy 'Glacier'

1.95 € - 25.45 € 

Ivy 'Green ripple'

1.95 € - 4.55 € 

Ivy 'Mona Lisa'

4.95 € - 19.95 € 

Jasmine, winter

2.75 € - 12.95 € 


Juniper, Chinese hybrid 'Old Gold'

2.95 € - 11.50 € 

Kit Aromatic Plants

13.75 € - 18.95 € 

Laurel, bay

2.35 € - 69.50 € 


Laurel, bay Standard

47.95 € - 64.50 € 

Lenten Rose

2.95 € - 4.95 € 

Lenten Rose 'Red Hybrids'

3.95 € - 5.95 € 

Lenten Rose 'White lady spotted'

3.95 € - 5.95 € 


Mauve Beauty berry 'Profusion'

2.25 € - 9.95 € 

New Zealand Moss, Knawel Cushion

2.55 € - 4.75 € 

Ornamental Cabbage

4.44 € - 6.50 € 

Periwinkle, Dwarf Blue

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Periwinkle, Dwarf White

2.45 € - 4.55 € 

Photinia, dwarf

2.45 € - 6.50 € 

Pieris, Japanese 'Forest Flame'

2.75 € - 21.50 € 

Pine, dwarf mugo mughus

1.15 € - 8.50 € 


Pine, dwarf mugo pumilio

1.25 € - 8.50 € 

Pony Tails grass

1.55 € - 7.50 € 

Prickly Heath with red berries

5.45 € - 6.95 € 


Sedge 'Aurea'

3.85 € - 5.55 € 

Sedge 'Evergold'

1.85 € - 7.50 € 

Sedge 'Frosted Curls'

2.35 € - 7.50 € 


Sweet Box, Sarcococca

3.45 € - 19.50 € 

White Beauty berry

2.25 € - 4.55 € 

Winter Container 'Winter Pinky Moka'

44.00 € - 47.50 € 

Winter Container 'Winter Round'

18.05 € - 47.35 € 


Winter Container 'Winter Sensation'

39.95 € - 62.90 € 

Winter Container 'Winter Square Green'

22.95 € - 47.00 € 

Winter-flowering Viburnum 'Dawn'

3.45 € - 24.50 € 


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Pépinières PLANFOR
1950 Route de Cère
Tel : (020).7660.0178