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Gardenia 'Crown Jewel'   /   Gardenia jasminoides Crown Jewel

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Everything about: Gardenia 'Crown Jewel'

Gardenia 'Crown Jewel', Cape Jasmine - Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel' (latin)

Geographical origin: Southeast of Asia.
Adult Dimensions: Height up to 1m, spread up to 1m.
Foliage: Evergreen.
Type of soil: Acid, moist and well drained.
Climate: Hardy up to -9°C. Can be grown outdoors only in mild-winters' areas.
Site: Partial shade to full sun.

Characteristics and uses:
The Gardenia 'Crown Jewel' has abundant, heavily scented, blossom in June. Its double flowers are creamy-white to start with and then turn yellow. This small, rather compact Gardenia can be grown even in the smallest of spaces.
This hardy Gardenia can be grown directly into the ground in mild-winters' areas. In areas which have harsher winters, it can be grown in a pot and brought indoors into a non-heated room or a conservatory.
Pruning can be done at the end of winter in order to keep its compact shape. Do keep the soil moist throughout the summer to guarantee a good blossom.

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