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Rose 'Pierre de Ronsard'   /   Rosa Pierre de Ronsard

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Description: Rose 'Pierre de Ronsard'

'Pierre de Ronsard'® Meiviolin Rose - Rosa 'Pierre de Ronsard'® (latin)

Breeder: Meilland 1987.

Blossom: Continual flowering.
Flower diameter: Approximately 10 cm.
Fragrance: Light.
Adult dimensions: Height up to 3 m, width up to 2 m.
Foliage: Deciduous.

Type of soil: Rich and well drained, neutral to acid.
Climate: Extremely frost hardy
Site: Full sun.
Planting spacing: Every 2 m.

Properties and uses:
The climbing garden rose 'Pierre de Ronsard'® is one of the ‘must have’ plants! Incidentally, it is the rose that won the prize for the "Worldwide favorite rose", held by the Worldwide Federation of Roses Societies.
This rose blossoms from May right through to the first frosts. Its flowers have the old rose shape. It is a soft pink with hints of carmine.
Train this rose against a wall, or even a fence and you will benefit from the easiness of its upkeep and the abundance of its flowers!

Worldwide favorite rose, Osaka, 2006.

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