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Kiwi, yellow with Red flesh   /   Actinidia deliciosa Wonder

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Description: Kiwi, yellow with Red flesh

Red-fleshed, yellow Kiwi - Actinidia deliciosa 'Wonder' (latin)

Area of origin: Horticulture
Adult dimensions: Height up to 5m, width up to 8m
Foliage: Deciduous
Soil type: Moist and well-drained, not too acidic, nor limey
Hardiness: Hardy to -12°C, protect from late frost
Exposure: Full sun

Properties and uses:
This yellow Kiwi is quite unusual and different from the green kiwi, but it contains just as much vitamin C, and the flesh is sweet. The fruits are 5 to 8 cm long, with a smooth yellow skin and red flesh; they are ripe around October.

The red-fleshed yellow Kiwi ‘Wonder’ is a female tree and needs to be pollinated by a male tree like ‘Tomuri’. For a perfect pollination and a high yield, we recommend planting 1 male tree for 7 female trees.
Kiwi is a hardy vine that can be planted in any garden, as long as it is trellised. Be sure to choose a strong structure to support the weight of new shoots and fruit. It may also be planted against a wall facing South, in order to protect it from cold winds. Prune the tree in winter, in February and March. Prune the kiwi as any vine, down to two or three buds above the last fruit.

Plant them now: the shortest way to your plate is through your garden!

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