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Christmas : Our selection of plants

Discover our selection of plants for Christmas, fill up on ideas!

154 reference(s) - - 1 page(s)


Aloe vera

2.95 € - 10.50 € 

Alum root 'Berry smoothie'

5.45 € - 7.90 € 

Apple tree, Drawf

47.95 € - 49.50 € 

Apple tree, Dwarf Self-fertile

27.95 € - 29.55 € 


Apple tree, Red flesh

19.95 € - 69.50 € 

Apricot tree, dwarf self-fertile

37.95 € - 59.50 € 

Azalea 'Pink Spider'

11.95 € - 19.50 € 

Banana shrub

8.95 € - 15.50 € 



4.55 € - 49.95 € 

Birch, Young’s Weeping

15.45 € - 89.95 € 

Blueberry, Dwarf, Self-fertile

8.45 € - 19.50 € 

Blueberry, Pink Heathland

3.45 € - 21.50 € 


Box, ball

14.95 € - 49.50 € 

Box Cone Box Pyramid

37.95 € - 104.50 € 

Box Topiary Box Spiral

84.50 € - 154.50 € 

Buddha's hand, Fingered Citron

19.95 € - 124.50 € 



37.95 € - 39.50 € 

Camphor Tree

6.25 € - 124.50 € 

Carolina Silverbell, Snowdrop tree

9.50 € - 59.50 € 

Cedar, Atlas

0.95 € - 129.50 € 


Cedar, Chinese 'Flamingo'

19.45 € - 104.50 € 

Cedar, Japanese

1.63 € - 25.50 € 

Cedar, Weeping Blue Atlas

95.50 € - 129.50 € 

Cherry, Oriental 'Kanzan'

19.95 € - 84.50 € 


Christmas Rose

2.45 € - 16.50 € 

Citrus Yuzu

8.45 € - 124.50 € 


Cloud Pruned Box-leaved

245.00 € - 315.00 € 

Coffee shrub of Arabia

3.45 € - 14.95 € 

Curry plant

2.45 € - 6.50 € 

Cypress, Lawson 'Columnaris Glauca'

2.45 € - 4.55 € 


Cypress, Lawson 'Ellwoodii'

2.45 € - 59.50 € 

Cypress, Lawson 'Ellwood's Gold'

11.95 € - 13.50 € 

Eastern Teaberry

3.05 € - 5.95 € 

Edible Honeysuckle Haskap

5.94 € - 11.50 € 


Eucalyptus Tree, Cider Gum

1.65 € - 84.50 € 

Eucalyptus Tree, Snow Gum

2.45 € - 94.50 € 

Fig Tree, dwarf

5.95 € - 29.50 € 

Fir, Korean

5.95 € - 15.50 € 


Fir, Nordmann

2.45 € - 29.50 € 

Fir, silver

8.55 € - 14.50 € 

Forsythia, Pink Korean

2.95 € - 12.50 € 

Fringe tree, Old man’s beard

14.95 € - 24.50 € 


Fuji Cherry 'Kojo No Mai'

4.45 € - 24.50 € 


3.95 € - 175.00 € 

Ginkgo, Dwarf 'Mariken'

13.95 € - 52.50 € 

Ginkgo 'fastigiata Blagon'

16.45 € - 175.00 € 


Goumi, Cherry Silverberry

7.45 € - 29.50 € 

Hardy Kiwi, Issai self fertile

3.45 € - 12.50 € 

Hardy Kiwi, Ken's Red

3.45 € - 12.50 € 


Hardy Kiwi, yellow-fleshed

5.75 € - 10.50 € 

Heath, Winter Pink

2.29 € - 6.50 € 

Heath, Winter Red

2.29 € - 13.50 € 

Heath, Winter White

2.29 € - 6.50 € 


Holly, Alaska

2.95 € - 7.95 € 

Japanese Witch Hazel 'Arnold Promise'

8.45 € - 54.95 € 

Japanese Witch Hazel 'Diane'

28.95 € - 29.50 € 


Japanese Witch Hazel 'Feuerzauber'

14.95 € - 16.50 € 

Jasmine, Arabian

4.95 € - 26.50 € 

Jasmine, star

2.45 € - 23.50 € 


Kaki or Persimmon

59.50 € - 74.51 € 

Kentucky Coffee Tree

7.95 € - 89.50 € 

Key Lime

23.95 € - 114.50 € 

Kiwi plant self fertile

7.99 € - 14.50 € 


Kiwi with yellow pulp

13.95 € - 16.95 € 

Kiwi, yellow with Red flesh

15.50 € - 29.50 € 


19.95 € - 124.50 € 

Laurel, bay

2.35 € - 69.50 € 


Laurel, bay Standard

47.95 € - 64.50 € 


7.50 € - 10.50 € 

Lemon Tree, '4 seasons'

5.95 € - 124.50 € 

Lenten Rose

2.95 € - 4.95 € 


Lenten Rose 'Red Hybrids'

3.95 € - 5.95 € 

Lenten Rose 'White lady spotted'

3.95 € - 5.95 € 

Lime, Finger

9.95 € - 134.50 € 

Lime, Finger Brown River

49.95 € - 64.50 € 


Maple, Japanese

2.25 € - 13.50 € 

Maple, Japanese 'Bloodgood'

11.95 € - 99.50 € 

Maple, Japanese 'Deshojo'

14.95 € - 99.50 € 

Maple, Japanese 'Dissectum garnet'

9.45 € - 31.50 € 


Maple, Japanese 'Orange Dream'

9.95 € - 89.50 € 

Maple, Japanese 'Osakazuki'

15.45 € - 89.50 € 

Mate tea

5.45 € - 27.50 € 

Mimosa 'Gaulois Astier'

5.95 € - 7.50 € 


Mulberry, Dwarf 'Mojo Berry'

7.95 € - 19.50 € 

Natal Plum

3.95 € - 5.95 € 

Oak, bur

4.95 € - 19.50 € 

Oak, holm

1.45 € - 74.50 € 


Oak, pin

1.75 € - 59.50 € 

Oak, scarlet

2.95 € - 69.50 € 

Olive Tree

3.45 € - 14.95 € 

Olive Tree Bonsaï

29.50 € 


Olive Tree Specimen

225.00 € - 1025.00 € 

Olive Tree Standard

19.45 € - 114.50 € 



17.95 € - 19.50 € 

Palm, Canary Island Date

9.95 € - 94.50 € 


Palm, Dwarf fan

4.95 € - 154.50 € 

Palm, windmill

4.95 € - 209.50 € 


9.42 € - 69.50 € 

Pear tree with red flesh

61.95 € - 64.50 € 


Pepper, Mountain

4.45 € - 7.50 € 

Pepper, Szechuan

7.45 € - 31.50 € 

Pine, dwarf mugo mughus

1.15 € - 8.50 € 

Pine, Himalayan Blue

2.45 € - 34.50 € 


Pine, Japanese black

3.45 € - 39.50 € 

Pine, Japanese Red

3.95 € - 34.50 € 

Pine, Jeffrey

14.62 € - 29.50 € 

Pine, Lace back

5.95 € - 44.50 € 


Pine, umbrella

0.63 € - 134.50 € 

Plum tree D'Ente, Plum tree from Agen

26.55 € - 64.50 € 

Plum Tree, Dwarf self-fertile

29.32 € - 69.50 € 


Prickly Heath with pink berries

5.45 € - 6.95 € 

Prickly Heath with red berries

5.45 € - 6.95 € 

Prickly Heath with white berries

5.45 € - 6.95 € 

Princess tree

3.65 € - 104.50 € 


Raspberry, red dwarf

5.45 € - 12.50 € 

Red Poinsettia, Christmas Flower

2.95 € - 11.50 € 

Redwood, coast

1.63 € - 119.50 € 


Self-fertile dwarf Peach tree

27.95 € - 62.95 € 

Sequoia, giant

4.95 € - 69.50 € 

Sewer vines

4.45 € - 6.45 € 

Spathiphyllum, Moon flower

2.95 € - 17.50 € 


Spruce, Dwarf Alberta White

2.95 € - 34.50 € 

Spruce, Norway

0.57 € - 29.50 € 

Strawberry tree

1.75 € - 74.95 € 

Sweet Box, Sarcococca

3.45 € - 19.50 € 


Tea Plant

5.45 € - 34.50 € 

Truffle downy oak - Tuber melanosporum

14.70 € - 28.25 € 

Truffle Downy Oak - Tuber Uncinatum

12.00 € - 28.25 € 

Truffle hazel - Tuber melanosporum

14.00 € - 29.90 € 


Truffle Hazel - Tuber uncinatum

12.60 € - 29.90 € 

Truffle holm oak

14.70 € - 29.90 € 

Tulip tree

3.75 € - 74.50 € 

Vine, Black Seedless Grapes

8.95 € - 24.50 € 


Vine, Pink Grape

11.95 € - 12.95 € 

Vine, Strawberry Black

8.95 € - 26.50 € 

Vine, Strawberry White

8.95 € - 26.50 € 

Vine, White Grape

8.95 € - 12.95 € 


Wedding Cake Tree

9.45 € - 23.95 € 


4.45 € - 19.95 € 


Yucca Spineless

14.95 € - 64.50 € 

ZZ Plant

11.95 € - 20.95 € 


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1950 Route de Cère
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